School Year 2024-2025 Household Income Form

Help us provide the best education possible for your children. Filling out this form only takes a few minutes. It will help your community, your school and your property taxes.

The information you give helps your school access federal and state education dollars. This funding supports reading, math, science, arts, PE, afterschool and other vital programming. The privacy of your household financial information is protected by law. Your information collected through this electronic form will come securely to the Agency of Education's (AOE) data team who will send it again securely back to your child's school.

Only one form needed per household.

Contact Information

Please fill out the following with information. It will only be used to contact you if if there are questions with your submission.

Student Information

Instructions: List all students in the household, Pre-Kindergarten through grade 12. Please be sure to use the student's legal name.

Household Income Information

Instructions: Please select your household size and then select the appropriate income range for that household size.

Household size is the total number of people, including all children and adults, related and un-related, that live with you and share income and expenses.

Combined Annual income is the total amount of income of all household members, including children, from the following sources: Work, public assistance, child support, alimony, pensions, retirement, Social Security, SSI, VA benefits, and/or all other income. The amount should be before any deductions for taxes, insurance, medical expenses, child support, etc.