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code set offender disability

A codeset value indicating the nature of an offender's disability if the offender is on an Individual Education Plan (IEP) at the time the incident occurred.


This information is captured at the student level already, and using the /ed-fi/studentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociations or /ed-fi/staffDisciplineIncidentAssociations to connect it to an incident

Legacy Codeset

These are options for this codeset:

CODE Description
(NULL/BLANK) offender not on an IEP
1 Learning Impairment
10 Deaf-Blindness
11 Multiple Disabilities
12 Developmental Delay
13 Traumatic Brain Injury
14 Autism
2 Hard of Hearing
3 Deaf
4 Speech or Language Impairment
5 Visual Impairment
6 Emotional Disturbance
7 Orthopedic Impairment
8 Other Health Impairment
9 Specific Learning Disability