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Reporting Data to the State

Reporting Overview

Post-Program Placement Data

Post-Program Placement data is required by Perkins V, and is also used to identify where students who attend CTE go after high school graduation. Strong and accurate post-program placement data not only is included in Vermont’s federal reporting, it informs Vermont’s work to strengthen CTE programs of study and to recognize and share student success.

Please plan to collect post-program placement data for students who attended CTE and graduated High School. A post-program placement survey will be sent to each center in the Fall. Using SY 2023 as an example, the survey will include:

  • Students who were concentrators in SY 2023 and graduated in SY 2023
  • Students who were concentrators in SY 2022, did not attend the CTE center in SY 2023, and were scheduled to graduate in 2023
  • Students who were concentrators in SY 2021, did not attend the CTE center in SY 2022 or SY 2023 and were scheduled to graduate in SY 2023
  • Early college student concentrators
  • Home study students who fall into any of those categories

Reports and Deadlines

  • Send Semester 1 Student List reports to superintendents October 20, 2023
  • Superintendents must confirm Student lists November 9, 2023
  • October 15 Enrollment and SY 2023 Post-Program Placement November 15, 2023
  • Send Semester 2 Student List reports to superintendents March 20, 2024
  • Superintendents must confirm Student lists April 9, 2024
  • March 15 Enrollment April 15, 2024
  • End-of-Year Collection June 30, 2024

Sending FTE Information to Superintendents

As soon as the data has been entered for the October 15 Enrollment:

  • Check minutes of instruction; these must be reported accurately for each student in the database.
  • From the Main Menu, choose Secondary FTE Student Lists and Reports Menu.
  • From that menu, choose Secondary Student List for either Semester 1 or Semester 2.
  • Print the FTE paper reports and send them to the appropriate superintendents.
  • Superintendents are required to confirm that these lists are accurate and to notify the center of any discrepancies by November 9th and any discrepancies must be resolved for final submission to AOE by November 15 for Semester 1 and April 15 for Semester 2.
  • All discrepancies must be resolved prior to the November 15 and April 15 deadlines.

Full Time Equivalent - FTE

Criteria for FTE calculations are determined by State Board Rules 2382 & 2389. FTE is calculated on the basis of one FTE equaling an average of 240 minutes of enrollment each day per week, and no student is counted as enrolled as more than one FTE. FTE calculations include:

  • Students in CTE programs or Pre-tech Exploratory programs for an average of at least 80 minutes per day.
  • Students in Pre-tech Foundational programs that average at least 40 minutes per day each week (at least 200 minutes per week).

Work-Based Learning (WBL) Placements and FTEs

Work-Based Learning placement minutes can be included in/added to instruction time (see Sem 1 Minutes and Sem 2 Minutes sections) except for Job shadowing experiences which cannot be counted towards minutes/instruction time.

Career Work Experience (CWE), Cooperative Technical Education (CTE), Student Apprenticeships (SA), and Registered Apprenticeships (RA) can all count towards instruction time, if the following criteria are met.

  • The placement is planned and supervised by the school and the employer
  • The placement is part of an approved CTE program offered by the CTE center
  • The CTE program teacher is the teacher of record and issues the student’s grade for the placement
  • The student is at least 16
  • Fair Labor Standards Act and all pertinent wage and hour regulations are followed
  • Students are covered by workman’s comp or comparable school insurance
  • An appropriately signed training agreement is on file, written by a licensed WBL Coordinator, with input from the CTE program teacher, with measurable benchmarks aligned to CTE program proficiencies
  • The student is assessed regularly at the worksite by the WBL coordinator
  • The student’s WBL experience addresses core technical competencies for the program and includes job-seeking and job-keeping instruction
  • *Note: Job shadowing experiences cannot be counted towards minutes/instruction time.

Using the Access Database Application

The Database Menu System

The Main Menu appears when the Access Database if opened. If the Splash Screen is still showing, look for a Security Warning bar near the top of your screen. Set your database up so it is automatically enabled or click on the Options button and choose Enable this content. Then the menu will display.

Choose an item by clicking once on the square next to it. The first four items open forms for data entry, the other four items open sub-menus that allow you more choices.

From the Main Menu, you will be able to choose forms to display or enter and edit data on students, staff, & programs.

  • Edit Student Info - This form has information about individual students.
  • Edit Program Detail - This form has information about the student’s enrollment in programs.
  • See List of Programs or Staff Directory - Displays a list of programs approved for your center. Also has a button that will display the Staff Directory Page(s).
  • Edit Staff Info - Must be updated as staff change during the school-year.
  • Worksheet Menu - Allows you to print various lists to distribute to center staff.
  • Collated Report Menu - Displays the most commonly asked-for reports.
  • Secondary FTE Student Lists and Reports Menu - Most FTE information is here.
  • Other Reports Menu - Has an assortment of reports and menus.

You can use Edit Find or Control + F to locate any entry in a table. Delete a record by clicking on the square to the left of it and then hit your delete key.

Student View Table

The Student View table is where information about individual students is entered. It can be accessed by selecting Edit Student Info in the Main Menu.

Color Coding

You will notice some color coding in the tables that may be helpful:

  • Green indicates the data will be collected on October 15.
  • Yellow indicates that it will be collected March 15.
  • Blue indicates that it will be collected at the end of the year.
  • Pink indicates it will be collected before November.
  • Red indicates it will be collected in June.
  • Magenta indicates the field cannot be change.

Updating Student Information

First Name

(20 characters wide) Check spelling and capital letters. Spaces and hyphens are OK but there is only room for 20 characters. This is the name the student goes by while attending courses the CTE center.

Middle Initial

(1 character wide) One capital letter; Access automatically enters the typed letter as a capital. This is for a secondary name given to an individual at birth, baptism etc. Never attach the middle initial to the First Name field.

Last Name

(20 characters wide) Check spelling and capital letters. Spaces and hyphens are OK but there is only room for 20 characters. This is the name borne in common by members of a family. Do not attach a suffix (Jr, III etc.) or any extraneous characters. Adding extra characters makes automatically locating a student by last name more difficult.

Legal Name – If a student has a preferred name that is different than their legal or given name, enter their preferred name in the First Name field, and their legal or given name in the Legal Name field. If a student’s preferred name is the same as their legal name, only use the First Name field and leave the Legal Name field blank.

This field is especially useful for students who are transgender and will help ensure CTE student data matches with AOE data.

Note: To avoid accidentally entering the same student more than once, check for duplicates. It helps to keep students’ last names in alphabetic order, but first names may not necessarily display in alphabetical order.

Date of Birth

This is also a required field. Report the month, day, and year on which an individual was born. Date format looks like this: //__ type 6 digits (011599) and Access puts the slashes in. The date will be displayed with the full year, e.g. 01/15/1999.


Enter the student’s self-identified gender: “M”, for male, “F” for female, “NB” for nonbinary, “TF” for transgender female, or “TM” for transgender male. Access will display gender codes in upper case regardless of how they are entered. This is also a required field; you cannot enter a student record without it.

Gender is used to identify whether the student is enrolled in a program that is non-traditional for their gender (defined as programs where less than 25% of the labor force in that category is male or female) as well as to identify equity gaps that may exist for CTE students.


The Grade Level field is for students enrolled in high school only (grades 9, 10, 11, or 12). Please enter the student’s current grade as defined by the home high school and verify it with their sending school at the beginning of the year to avoid a crunch at the end of the year.

For Home Study students, enter the grade the student "would" be in if attending High School.

For the purposes of this database, there is no “Grade 13”. If a student has a diploma, leave the grade blank and use one of the “Adult with Diploma” categories in the Student Pop field.  

Student Pop (Semester 1 and Semester 2)

There are two fields for Student Pop: One for the student’s status on October 15 and the other for March 15. This is a required field. Use the pull-down list to choose:

  • Enrolled in public high school - Use this choice for a student of any age who is enrolled in a public high school and, as part of the student's educational schedule, is enrolled in CTE. “Public” high schools also include private academies that serve as public schools (Lyndon Institute, St Johnsbury Academy, Burr and Burton Academy, & Thetford Academy) but they do not include independent schools. For the purposes of this database, there is no “Grade 13”. If a public high school student has a diploma, use one of the “Adult with Diploma” categories below.
  • Not enrolled in public high school, no diploma, included in this category:
  • Home Study Students (select Home Study as the sending high school later on for these students)
  • Students in the High School Completion program (if they are not also enrolled in a public high school, select High School Completion as the sending high school for these students)
  • Students enrolled in independent schools
  • A student who left secondary education and received a GED, regardless of age
  • A student who left secondary education without receiving a diploma, regardless of age
  • Adult with diploma (space available basis), a person who has graduated from high school and has now returned for further education and was admitted to the program on a space available basis, i.e., did not pay tuition.
  • Adult with diploma (paying tuition), a person who has graduated from high school and has now returned for further education and who was admitted to the program with tuition paid by the individual or other source, such as through WIOA, VSAC grant, Adult Education and Literacy provider, etc.


Student Experiencing Homelessness are individuals as described in section 725 of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (42 USC 11434a), which defines homeless children and youths as follows:

  • Individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. This includes individuals and families who will imminently lose their housing, have no subsequent residence identified, and lack the resources or networks to obtain permanent housing.
  • Children and youths who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason; are living in hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations; are couch-surfing or otherwise lacking a stable, consistent place to stay; are living in emergency or transitional shelters; or are abandoned in hospitals.
  • Children and youths who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designated for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.
  • Children and youths who are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings.
  • Migratory children (meaning a child or youth who have made a qualifying move in the preceding 36 months as a migratory agricultural worker or migratory fisher or with, or to join a parent or spouse who is a migratory agricultural worker or migratory fisher) who qualify as homeless for the purposes of this part because the children are living in circumstances described above.

It is imperative that we have accurate data to reflect the number of students who are experiencing homelessness. To do this, each center will need to establish a process to coordinate with the McKinney-Vento coordinators for each of the sending high schools/sending districts/supervisory unions. If a student is experiencing homelessness at any point in the year, they should be counted in the database. In addition, CTE teachers and staff also know when students are facing housing insecurity. Each center should develop processes to ensure staff report this information to a designated staff member (director, school counseling/guidance coordinator) who can then share it with the sending district’s McKinney-Vento coordinator and the Database Coordinator.


Defined as “youth who are in, or have aged our of, the foster care system.” The Agency of Education is working on a data sharing agreement that would help us link directly to the agencies that work with the foster care system. Until then, this data will have to come from the student’s sending school.


Defined as “youth with a parent who is a member of the armed forces and is on active duty.” The Department of Defense is reluctant to release information of the families of military service members, so there may never be a direct source for this data, but this is still a required data field. It is recommended that this be gathered from a voluntary student survey that would ask if the student has a parent who is serving in active duty of the armed forces.

Early College/Dual Enrollment

Students who are taking Dual Enrollment or Fast Forward classes will have their data captured by the Agency’s Dual Enrollment database, so there is no need for you to enter this data. The dual enrollment section of the database will be used to track Early College students instead. Make sure to mark an Early College student on the Student View page as well.

Race/Ethnic Information

The general racial or ethnic heritage category which most clearly reflects the individual’s recognition of his or her community or with which the individual most identifies. For federal reporting, AOE must use the 1997 OMB standards and definitions, the same as those of the official US census. The categories and definitions can be found below. This should be collected from the student directly, or from their sending school or school district/supervisory union. Check any that apply:

  • White: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East (except those of Hispanic origin). Enter a checkmark for “yes.”
  • Hispanic/Latino of Any Race: A person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin. Enter a checkmark for “yes”.
  • Asian: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, the Indian Subcontinent. Enter a checkmark for “yes”.
  • Black or African American: A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. Enter a checkmark for “yes”.
  • American Indian or Alaskan Native: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America, and who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition. Enter a checkmark for “yes”.
  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa and other Pacific Islands. Enter a checkmark for “yes”.


Enter a checkmark for “yes” if the student has an IEP.


Enter a checkmark for “yes” if a student has a 504 plan.


If the student meets the definition of migrant, enter a checkmark for “yes”. The term "migrant" means the child of a migratory agricultural worker, including migratory dairy workers, or migratory fishers, and who, in the preceding 36 months, in order to obtain or to accompany such parents or spouses to obtain temporary or seasonal employment in agricultural or fishing work have [Reference - 34 CFR 200.81]

English Language Learner

Enter a checkmark for “yes” if the individual has limited ability in speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language, and

  • Whose native language is a language other than English; or
  • Who lives in a family or community environment in which a language other than English is the dominant language. An individual with a language background other than English, and whose proficiency in English is such that the probability of the individual’s success in an English-only environment is below that of a successful peer with an English language background.

Single Parent/Pregnant

If the student is a single parent or is single and pregnant, enter a checkmark for “yes”.

Out of Workforce Individual

Enter a checkmark for “yes” if the student is an adult who:

  • (A) - (i) has worked primarily without remuneration to care for a home and family, and for that reason has diminished marketable skills; - (ii) has been dependent on the income of another family member but is no longer supported by that income; or - (iii) is a parent whose youngest dependent child will become ineligible to receive assistance under part A of title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 601 et seq.) not later than 2 years after the date on which the parent applies for assistance under this title; and
  • (B) is unemployed or underemployed and is experiencing difficulty in obtaining or upgrading employment. (20 USC § 2302(36))

Economically Disadvantaged

The term “economically disadvantaged” means individuals from economically disadvantaged families, including foster children. Enter a checkmark for “yes” if the family or individual is eligible for any of the following or meets the poverty definition of the US Department of Health and Human Services:

  • AFDC or SSI
  • SNAP / 3SquaresVT
  • Title I
  • Free or reduced-price meals
  • Medicaid

High School Exit Status

When a student exits secondary education, either by graduation or by leaving secondary education, record what their exit status is from the following options

  • N/A (had diploma) – adult student with diploma
  • Graduated high school
  • Continuing secondary education – student is expected to return to high school
  • Dropped out of high school
  • Not enrolled in high school but is in the High School Completion Program

If you know that a student is no longer enrolled in a public high school and is in the High School Completion Program (Act 176), choose the last item in the pull-down (Not enrolled in hs and in HSCP). Note: Some students in HSCP are still enrolled in high school. Those should be coded Continuing Secondary Ed.

A student with a GED but no diploma is still considered to be a secondary student.

Note: This data can also be entered from the Program Detail form.

Town and School Information

Remember to check the  or pencil icon at the beginning of the line to see which record is active. The information below will always pertain to that record.

Semester 1 Home High School

Use the dropdown list to choose the Semester 1 Home High School. The home high schools that are common to each CTE center will show on top of the dropdown.

  • If the student is not enrolled in any high school, choose “Not enrolled in high school”.
  • If a student is enrolled in a private high school, use the name of the private high school listed in the dropdown.
  • There are options for Home Study students and students who are enrolled in the High School Completion Program. A student in the High School Completion program may or may not be enrolled in a Vermont public high school.

Note: It is very important that to find out this information and accurately enter the student’s enrollment status at the time of the count (October 15).

Semester 1 Town of Residence

Town District of Residence (TOWN) is defined by Vermont Statute (Title 16 V.S.A., Section 1075). Briefly, the district of residence is the district where a student's parent(s) or legal guardian lives. If the student has parents or legal guardians that live in different towns and splits time between the multiple households, then it is up to the sending school and supervisory union to determine what the official town of residence is for that student for the purpose of billing. If the student is married or has reached the age of majority the district of residence is where the student resides. The town district of residence is fiscally responsible for its resident students.

Very important! Use the dropdown list to choose the Semester 1 Town of Residence. The towns that are common to each CTE Center will show on top of the list. If the student was not enrolled first semester (i.e. Sem 1 Minutes = 0), towns entered here will be ignored. If the town is not in Vermont, choose the most appropriate Out of State option (options include: Other State-MA, Other State-NH, Other State-NY, Other Out of State). If the student is a resident of a foreign country, use “Other Country-Canada” or “Other Out of Country”.

Semester 2 Home High School

By default, this field will display the same school selected for Semester 1.

  • If the student is enrolled in another home high school on March 15, use the dropdown list to choose the correct school.
  • If a student is enrolled in a private high school, use the name of the private high school listed alphabetically in the dropdown.
  • There are options for Home Study students and students who are enrolled in the High School Completion Program. A student in the High School Completion program may or may not be enrolled in a Vermont public high school.

Note: It is very important that to find out this information and accurately enter the student’s enrollment status at the time of the count (March 15).

Semester 2 Town of Residence

Town District of Residence (TOWN) Same as above, but for a snapshot date of March 15th instead of October 15th. Very important! By default, this field will display the same town selected for Semester 1. If the student is living in another town on March 15, use the dropdown list to choose the correct town.

Program Information

Remember to check the  or pencil icon at the beginning of the line to see which record is active. The information below will always pertain to that record.

CIP Code, Program Name, Site

Use the dropdown list to choose the correct program and site. Every student must have a program. The only programs that will be in the list are programs approved for your school. If a program offered at your school is not on the list contact AOE to have it added.


Vermont determines if a program is nontraditional for students of one gender based on a Nontraditional Crosswalk published by the U. S. Department of Education. The crosswalk is based on program CIP codes and corresponding labor market information.

A checkmark will automatically display here when the CIP code for a program that leads to occupations that are non-traditional to the student’s gender is entered. This field cannot be changed without changing either the program or the gender entered into the student’s record. If The student’s gender was entered incorrectly, first correct the student’s gender on the student’s record and then re-select the student’s program(s) or the non-traditional designation will remain incorrect.

Vermont defines all nonbinary and transgender students as non-traditional, if the program they enroll in is nontraditional for one gender.

Sem 1 Minutes

Required. Enter the number of daily minutes of approved technical programming instruction the student is receiving in the selected program for semester 1. If nothing is in the Semester 2 Minutes field (if it’s 0), the minutes entered for Semester 1 populate into the Semester 2 Minutes field. This information can also be entered using the Program Detail form by clicking on the FTE List tab. See also the section on WBL Placement Minutes.

Sem 1 FTE

The FTE is automatically calculated for that program based on the minutes entered. This number is based on the Semester 1 Minutes. The capped FTE will never be greater than 1. Note: This information will also be displayed using the Program Detail form by clicking on the FTE List tab.

Sem 2 Minutes

Required. By default, this field will display the same minutes entered for Semester 1. If the number of minutes is different on March 15, this filed will need to be change it manually. Enter 0 if the student is not in the program for Semester 2. This information can also be entered using the Program Detail form by clicking on the FTE List tab. See also the section on WBL Placement Minutes.  

Sem 2 FTE

The FTE is automatically calculated for that program based on the minutes entered. This number is based on the Semester 2 Minutes. The capped FTE will never be greater than 1. Note: This information will also be displayed using the Program Detail form by clicking on the FTE List tab

Edit Program Detail

The Program Detail form can be accessed by selecting Edit Program Detail from the Main Menu. This is where information on CTE participation is entered.

Program Instructor(s)

The data displayed here comes from the Staff Info form. To make a change to the staff displayed, open the Staff form by clicking on the Edit staff record or Start new staff record button.

All approved programs must have a licensed instructor. A person listed as an “Instructor” or “Instructor, Academics” must have a valid teacher’s license.

Last Name, First Name

Students are populated into the Program Detail form from the Program information entered in the Student View form. The student record can be edited by clicking on the Open Student View Form button.

Semester 1 Minutes

Required. A number must be here even if it is a zero. Enter or change the number of daily minutes of approved technical programming instruction the student is receiving in the program for semester 1. All students who are enrolled in approved CTE program or course of study can be counted. Any students whose only participation in CTE happens outside of an approved program (i.e., academic programs) should not be entered in the database. The database will automatically enter the same number of minutes in the Semester 2 Minutes field, but this can be changed manually if the student’s numbers differ from semester to semester. Be sure the student can legally be on the database per State Board Rule 2389 (The record of a student enrolled in a CTE program that is not Pre-Tech Foundational cannot be entered on the database if the Minutes of instruction are less than 80 unless waived by the State). Semester minutes can also be entered using the Student View form and clicking the Program tab. See also the section on WBL Placement Minutes.

Semester 1 FTE

Required. The capped FTE is automatically calculated for that program based on the minutes entered. The capped FTE will never be greater than 1. Note: This information will also be displayed using the Student View form by clicking on the Program tab.

Remember: FTEs can change only if you change the minutes

Semester 2 Minutes

Required. A number must be here even if it is a zero. By default, this field will display the same minutes entered for Semester 1. If the number of minutes is different on March 15, change it manually. Enter 0 if the student is not in the program for Semester 2, a blank field will not be accepted. Be sure the student can legally be on the database per State Board Rule 2389 (The record of a student enrolled in a CTE program that is not Pre-Tech Foundational cannot be entered on the database if the Minutes of instruction are less than 80 unless waived by the State). Minutes can also be entered by using the Student View form and clicking the Program tab.

Semester 2 FTE

Required. The capped FTE is automatically calculated for that program based on the minutes entered. The capped FTE will never be greater than 1. Note: This information will also be displayed using the Student View form by clicking on the Program tab.

Remember: FTEs can change only if you change the minutes

High School Exit List

This information feeds into the graduation “Event Rate”.

High School exit status

For all students at the end of the year, use the dropdown list to choose:

  • N/A (had diploma) – adult student with diploma
  • Graduated high school
  • Continuing secondary education – student is expected to return to high school
  • Dropped out of high school
  • Not enrolled in HS and in HSCP
  • Exit Status Unknown

If a student is no longer enrolled in a public high school and is in the High School Completion Program (Act 176), select Not enrolled in HS and in HSCP. Note: Some students in HSCP are still enrolled in high school. Those should be coded Continuing secondary education.

Students in grade 12 are expected to graduate, so make sure that the grade has been entered correctly.

Note: You can also enter this data on the first tab of the Student View form.

Program Completion/Return


As defined in state Board of Education rule 2383(2), a successful program completer is any student who has been judged competent in 90% of the core competencies/critical proficiencies in their program. A student does not have to be a “successful” completer in order to complete a program.


Select if student is a Concentrator. AOE also calculates concentrator status based on semester minutes after collection periods.

IRC list

Use for entering Credential (IRC) Information


Required. The date that the student is awarded the credential.

Credential (IRC)

Create a new record for every credential the student successfully earns in the current school year. If you do not see a credential listed in the dropdown contact AOE to have it approved and/or added to the list. For any student who earned a credential during the previous year make sure the IRC and date were entered in last year’s database.


Enter information for Work-based Learning experiences and Career Technical Student Organizations. Create a new record for as many experiences as the student completes.

Coop Type

  • JS, Job Shadowing which is the placement of a student in a work-station where the student observes the business process. The time span is a total of two to eight hours, and it is an unpaid situation where training plans are optional.
  • CWE, Career Work Experience which is short-term, unpaid career experiences in an occupational field related to a student’s program or interest. CWE is a non-paid experience and requires a training agreement but not a training plan. Clinical rotations and placements required for certification/licensure (e.g., LNA) should be counted here as well as rotations for human services, education, and other programs that have this as a component of instruction. __
  • CTE, Cooperative Technical Education in which students are placed in paid work experiences at training stations directly related to their technical education program. A training plan and a training agreement are required.
  • Student Apprenticeship means a skill-based education program that coordinates and integrates classroom instruction with a structured, work-based learning experience. Competencies for the program shall be approved by the State Board and a student apprentice receives academic instruction and training in a skilled occupation which will prepare the student for postsecondary education, advanced training or direct employment in a position higher than entry level. At this point in time, Vermont does not have any state recognized student apprenticeship programs.
  • Registered Apprenticeship means students participate in a registered apprenticeship program recognized by the Vermont Department of Labor. Registered Apprenticeships include work experience which entails on the job training and related classroom instruction. Registered apprenticeships are currently available in plumbing, electrical, and early childhood education.

Coop Start Date

The date the student begins the Work Based Learning experience.

Coop End Date

The date that the student successfully completes the Work Based Learning experience.

Cumulative Hours

The total number of hours the student participated in the Work Based Learning experience.

Name of Business

The location of the Work Based Learning experience.


Choose the appropriate Career Technical Student Organization. Create a new record if the student is a member of more than one CTSO. If a student is in NTHS and a CTSO, remember to enter both. “Student Council” is not considered a CTSO.

Postsecondary Credit (Dual Enrollment)

Most Dual Enrollment students will be captured by the Dual Enrollment data system, but Dual Enrollment courses offered by NH, ME, NY and other state college systems will need to be entered.

Note: This is being used only for students taking courses outside of the Dual Enrollment/Fast Forward Voucher system and students participating in Early College this year. If you have questions about postsecondary credits or need to add a course, please contact AOE.


The name of the college course from which the student will earn postsecondary credit. If the course is not listed contact AOE to have it added.


The number of postsecondary credits that the student earned on a transcript from that college. For certain courses, the number of credits may be 0.


The date the postsecondary credits were earned.

Funding Category

The source of funding for postsecondary credits.

See list of Programs or Staff Directory

The List of Programs table can be accessed by selecting See list of Programs or Staff Directory from the Main Menu. This table shows each program listed in alphabetic order. Press the Magnifying Glass button to open the Program Detail form for more detail about a program, such as instructors and students who are enrolled.

Data in these fields cannot be edited and is “grayed-out”.

Site Name

The name of the site assigned to that program is displayed. A few centers have programs at more than one site.

Local Name of Program

The name the CTE Center uses for the program on the Course Update form sent in to the AOE at the beginning of the school year. Local program names display in alphabetic order. Local names may appear abbreviated in order to fit database reports’ 20 character limit.

CIP Code

This is the Federal code for a program (Classification of Instructional Programs).

Competency List

The state level name for the program based on the CIP code.

Usual Number of Hours to Complete the Program

This is the number of hours of instruction that a student usually takes in order to complete a program. This information has been pre-loaded based on previous information and is subject to change. Pre-tech courses are blank because they do not have completers.

Staff View

The Staff View table can be accessed by selecting Edit Staff Info from the Main Menu.

The staff lists in the databases have been updated with information sent to AOE in the summer. Note: Be sure to verify all staff listed, and add the staff title and program.

AOE must maintain accurate information about all CTE Center staff. Centers are asked to provide staff information at the beginning of each school year and if there are staffing changes throughout the year, please update your staff list in the database and notify AOE.

Updating Staff List

First Name, Last Name, License Name, Gender, DOB, Work Phone, Phone Extension, Fax Number and Email Address:

Check over this information to see if it is accurate. Phone numbers and email addresses are important. Remember to delete or edit records that are erroneous before submitting the database to the State. License Name is the name the Staff person has on their State License.


Use the pull-down list to choose one or more titles for each staff member. The following are the definitions of the choices available.

  • Director – The CTE center director.
  • Assistant Director – The CTE center assistant director.
  • Instructor – Only select instructor if the person holds a valid Vermont teacher’s license, and the correct endorsement for the program in question. This may be an area where the CTE director will need to identify the correct title.
  • Instructor, Academic – Should be used for any academic instructors at your center. As is the case with the Instructor category, this person must hold a valid teacher’s license and the correct endorsement for the subject area they instruct.
  • Special Needs Coordinator – Only licensed special needs instructors should be in this category; other special needs staff should be listed as paraeducators.
  • Paraeducators – Non-licensed staff who work under the supervision of licensed instructors for instructional as well as non-instructional purposes, including special needs/special education paraeducators.
    • CTSO Advisors
    • EdRising Advisor
    • FBLA Advisor
    • FCCLA Advisor
    • FFA Advisor
    • HOSA Advisor
    • NTHS Advisor
    • Skills USA Advisor
    • TSA Advisor
  • Coordinator positions – It may be necessary to ask the CTE director who holds these positions.
  • Adult Education Coordinator
  • Child Care director
  • Co-op/Work-Based Learning Coordinator
  • Gender Equity Coordinator
  • Outreach Coordinator
  • Safety Coordinator/Officer
  • Database Coordinator
  • Guidance – CTE Counseling Coordinator at the CTE center
  • Office personnel
  • Miscellaneous Administration
  • Business Manager
  • Technical Support
  • Bus Driver
  • Superintendent
  • Principle/Headmaster
  • Student Board Advisor

Because staffing levels and responsibilities differ from center to center, it is not required that each of these positions are filled in the database, but if a center has one of the above positions it should be included.

Local Program Name and CIP Code

If the staff member is an instructor or a paraeducator in a program, information about the program should display. To add a program, use the pull-down list. Competency List and Site will populate based on the Local Program Name selection.

Worksheet Menu

DO NOT send any of these paper reports to the State.

Keep worksheets at the center along with additional documentation for monitoring purposes.

Worksheets are intended to help center staff collect the data that they put into the database. The Worksheets Menu can be selected from the Main Menu. Worksheets should be distributed to appropriate staff long before the deadlines for filing to the State. Use of these specific worksheets is optional but whatever means you use to collect data must be kept on record at the center and available for review from the AOE for monitoring purposes for 7 years after they are collected.

All worksheets list students by program and data collected from these worksheets can be entered into tabs of the Program Detail View form. Most of these worksheets include Pre-tech.

  • Program Minutes Worksheet - Instructors confirm “Minutes of Instruction” for Semester 1 and Semester 2.
  • Program Returning/Completion Worksheet – list of students for the instructor to check off if the student completed the program or if the student is expected to return the following year.
  • Program Postsecondary Credit Worksheets - list of students for the instructor to fill in the postsecondary credit earned by the student.
  • WBL Worksheet - list of students for the Co-op/WBL Coordinator to fill in the student work-based learning information.
  • CTSO Worksheet - list of students for the instructor to fill in the student CTSO information.
  • Program Credential Worksheets - list of students for the instructor to fill in the student credential information.
  • Competency Worksheet – We do not currently have competencies for programs across the state, so this is an outdated section that will not be used in the current iteration.


  • Collated reports allow you to generate your own data summaries for use at your center.
  • FTE (full-time equivalent) reports give information about secondary students and their FTEs.
  • Placement reports collect and display placement information.
  • Reference Reports provide information about programs, credentials, colleges, etc.
  • For descriptions of specific reports, see the Reports section near the end of this booklet.
  • In some Student Lists, students are listed alphabetically by town and home high school and display data pertaining to their records. Other student lists are displayed by site and program.

Collated Report Menu

These reports give summaries of student data that are used for reporting.

  • Enrollment Report – Once the October 15 information has been entered, this report will be useful in displaying populations of students. It can then be run any time of year for up-to-date counts. This is a good way to see special populations demographics at your center.
  • Cluster Report – This report is imilar to the enrollment report. It counts student populations by cluster instead of by program.
  • Enrollment by Grade – Similar to above. Counts enrollments by grade.
  • Non-traditional Report – Compares non-traditional students with other students who are enrolled in programs leading to occupations that are not traditional for that gender.
  • IRCs and Postsecondary Report – Lists number of students in a program who earn IRCs or postsecondary credit.
  • Workbased Learning Report – Shows how many students in a program have completed work-based learning placements.
  • CTSO Report – Shows how many students in a program are members of a CTSO or Honor Society.

Secondary FTE Student Lists and Reports Menu

  • Secondary Student Lists Semester 1 and Semester 2 - These lists do not include adults with diplomas. Sorted by town and sending high school. Out-of-state students are listed at the top. Centers are required to send these lists to superintendents for confirmation. Superintendents are required to confirm the accuracy of these lists per policy. These reports must go to the superintendents of the supervisory unions by October 20 for Semester 1 and March 20 for Semester 2 so the students’ town of residence can be confirmed by November 9th and April 9th. The best time to send these reports is immediately after the data has been entered.
  • Secondary FTEs Town Summary Semester 1 - This is useful when used in combination with the Frozen and Estimated Six Semester Averages report described below. Use Semester 2 for estimating FTEs for the following year.
  • IEP FTE Reports – these may be helpful for “billing back to the school” information about IEP students’ FTEs.

Other Reports Menu

This is a group of reports that don’t fit into other categories

  • Program FTE Report – All Students - This lists all students including adults with diplomas and out-of-state students.
  • Program FTE Summary Report – All Students - This sums FTEs by program and includes adults with diplomas and out-of-state students. This report is good for checking enrollment trends and for planning.
  • Credentials Earned – All students – Lists students who have earned credentials in the current year alphabetically and their programs. Does not list credentials earned in the previous year unless they are entered in this database.
  • Postsecondary Credit Earned – All Students – lists students who have earned postsecondary credits in the current year. Does not list credentials earned in the previous year unless they are entered in this database.

Miscellaneous Menu

  • Statewide List of This Year’s CIP Codes – Lists non-traditional programs
  • Local List of This Year’s Industry Recognized Credentials – by Program at your center including URLs so websites can easily be accessed.
  • Statewide List (All Programs) of This Year’s Credentials – by Program including IRC URLs so websites can easily be accessed. Shows what IRCs have been approved for other programs.
  • Staff Directory Page(s) – Information from this report is used by AOE staff.
  • Statewide List of Courses with Transcripted Credits (Postsecondary Credits)

Checklist - October 15 file due by November 15, 2023

Program List Form

  • Verify staff information accuracy on the Staff View form

Staff View Form

Some of this has already been filled in but may be outdated or inaccurate. Review and make modifications where necessary. Run the Directory Page(s) Report to check over your center’s staff. All approved programs must have a licensed instructor. Be sure to enter the most recent date you validated the contents of the Staff View Form. * First Name * Last Name * License Name * Gender * DOB * Work Phone * Phone Extension * Fax number (if it is the same for everyone, it can be set as the default, call for help) * E-mail address (Important!) * Titles - Never call a staff person an “instructor” unless the instructor holds a valid teacher’s license. Use “Paraeducator” if the person does not hold an apprenticeship, level 1, or level 2 Vermont educator license or an emergency or provisional license. The title “Special Needs” is for licensed staff only. * Local Program Name (if instructor or if a program-specific paraeducator)

FTE Student List

October 15 data goes into the next “Six Semester FTE Average” and it is essential that the minutes be entered accurately.

  • Semester 1 Minutes (A number greater than 0 is required here). This can be entered here once the student’s program has been entered in the Student View form or entered using the Student View form described below.

Student View

Data here is extremely important. Student Lists on the Program Detail will not work unless the student’s program is entered correctly on this form.

General Student

  • First Name
  • Middle Initial
  • Last Name
  • Date of Birth (required)
  • Gender (required)
  • Grade (required for public school students)
  • Student Pop 1 (accuracy is essential)

Student Information – check any that apply

  • Race/Ethnicity categories – check any that apply. You may have to un-check the default
  • IEP
  • 504
  • Migrant
  • English Learner
  • Single Parent/Single Pregnant
  • Out of Workforce Individual
  • Economically Disadvantaged
  • Homeless
  • Foster
  • Military
  • Early College

Town and School Information (Required)

  • Semester 1 Home High School
  • Semester 1 Town of residence This is very important – and is the town the student lives in (not always the same as the mailing address)

Program Information

  • CIP Code, Program Name, Local Program Name
  • Semester 1 Minutes (A number greater than 0 is required here). This can be entered here once the student’s program has been entered in the Student View form or can also be entered using the FTE Student List on the Program Detail form.

Check the Collated Enrollment and Semester 1 FTE reports to make sure the data is correct.

Send student lists to the superintendent by October 20

Checklist - March 15 file is due by April 15

Review the data entered in October. Make any corrections now before sending this file.

Student View form

  • Student Pop 2

FTE Student List

March 15 data goes into the next “Six Semester FTE Average” and it is essential that the minutes be entered accurately.

  • Semester 2 Minutes (A number greater than 0 is required here). This can be entered here once the student’s program has been entered in the Student View form or entered using the Student View form described below. Check for accuracy. Sometimes this changes from semester-to-semester. If a student is not in the center on March 15, change the Semester Minutes to 0.

Town and School tab on Student View form

Sometimes a student moves to a different town. Make sure the correct town and home high school is entered.

  • Semester 2 Student Population (do not leave blank)
  • Semester 2 Home High School
  • Semester 2 Town of Residence

Frequently asked questions

What if a student does not attend Semester 2 or did not attend Semester 1?

As long as the Semester Minutes are set to 0 for the correct semester, this is not a problem. As long as a “0” is in Semester minutes, the program will ignore whatever has been entered in those Home High School or Town of Residence fields for that semester.

What if I have to make changes on previously sent data?

No problem, go ahead and make the changes.

Re-check the October 15 information to make sure that it is correct

Check the Collated Enrollment and Semester 2 FTE reports to make sure the data is correct.

Send student lists to the superintendent by March 20

Checklist - The End-of-Year file is due by June 30th

  • Review April and October data. Make any corrections now before sending this file.

The data that needs to be entered here should be completed long before the June 30 “official” deadline. Get the data needed before the school year ends.

Program Detail

FTE List

  • Check over both semesters for accuracy

HS Exit List tab

  • Recheck the students grade for accuracy
  • High School exit status. Remember to check if HSCP students are not enrolled in high school. Change the exit status if appropriate. It is sometimes difficult to extract graduation information from high schools. Ask early and often until you get it. Can also be entered using the Student View.

Completion/Return tab

  • Completer - As defined in state Board of Education rule 2383(2), a successful program completer is any student who has been judged competent in 90% of the core competencies (now technical proficiencies) in their program. Students attending Pre-tech programs are not considered completers. Enter a checkmark for “yes”.


If you need to add a credential to the dropdowns, please notify AOE as soon as possible because it takes some time for an IRC to be approved.

  • Credential – use the pull-down
  • Date obtained


  • Type of Placement
  • WBL Start Date
  • WBL End Date
  • Name of Business sponsoring the WBL Placement
  • CTSO

Postsecondary Credit – Enter as many postsecondary credits as were earned by that student. Make sure data is entered in the correct field for Course, Credits and Date fields. Articulated credits are not collected here. Remember, this is only for Postsecondary Credits earned outside of the Vermont Dual Enrollment Voucher system.

  • Course
  • Number of Credits (even if it is 0 for some of CCV’s courses)
  • Date earned
  • Important: Funding source

Student View

  • High School exit status. It is sometimes difficult to extract graduation information from high schools. Ask early and often until you get it. Check non-graduates’ status in High School Completion Program, (HSCP). Can also be entered using the Program Detail

Importing Student Information

Student information can be imported into the Access Database as long as the data is in the correct format and passes all data validation requirements. Entering in a "test" student into the database before exporting tblStudent is a simple way to create a import template file which shows the correct format for each field.