State of Vermont
Agency of Education
Data Collection and Reporting Knowledge Base
Data Collection and Reporting Knowledge Base
Due to some errors folks are having pushing data through their SIS, AOE is offering the following solutions for you to upload the data we need to run the ADM calculation.
folder where you normally see your ADM output. The goal here is you should be able to confirm that I'm able to import and use your data as expected.Some are unable to set ADMTDIST properly for thier students. These issues would show up in the EFT ADM file SUXXX-ADMTDIST-MISSING.csv
To resolve this, we will collect and use the information submitted thorugh this file to "fill in the blank" where there is a missing ADMTDIST.
Column Name | Description |
PERMNUMBER | The permnumber of the student |
ADMTDIST | The correct ADMTDIST code to use, should be of the form TXXX , ie T001, T002 |
The legacy EdFusion file 6_PS_ADM had columns HS_ACTIVADM and ADMHOURS that capture partial ADM enrollment hours.
There is a space in Ed-Fi to submit/capture this data, however I'm not seeing any being submitted by anyone.
I will use any valid value here in the ADM calculation instead of the values calculated by their enrollment dates. If both fields are specified, I will use the HS_ACTIVADM.
Column Name | Description |
PERMNUMBER | The permnumber of the student |
ADMHOURS | The ADMHOURS to use when calculating ADM for a part time student. |
HS_ACTIVADM | The correct ADM to submit for this student. I will use this value instead of any calculated value. Should be less than 1. Students receive .03 ADM per activity. |