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Resources related to a student record.

DisciplineIncidents (Incident)

Describes behavior or other disciplinary incidents event involving one or more students.

One record per incident.

Ed-Fi Element Data Type Implementation Notes Req'd AOE Req'd AOE Layout AOE Name Data Type
incidentIdentifier String 20 Y M 16_CIRS INCIDENT_NUM Number 15
incidentDate Date Y M 16_CIRS INC_DATE Date
incidentDescription String 1024 CR 16_CIRS OTHER_DESC String 100
incidentTime String M 16_CIRS TIME
incidentLocationDescriptor Descriptor M 16_CIRS LOCATION Number 2
caseNumber String 20
incidentCost Double
reportedToLawEnforcement Boolean CR 16_CIRS Criminal_Offense String 1
reporterDescriptionDescriptor Descriptor RA
reporterName String 75 RA 16_CIRS REPORTER String 4
schoolReference schoolId Integer Y M 16_CIRS ENRORGID String 6
staffReference staffUniqueId String 32
behaviors Array
behaviorDescriptor Descriptor M 16_CIRS CATEGORY
Number 2
Number 2
Number 3
String 1
behaviorDetailedDescription String 1024 CR 16_CIRS DRUG_DESC String 50
externalParticipants Array CR
disciplineIncidentParticipationCodeDescriptor Descriptor CR
firstName String 75 CR
lastSurname String 75 CR
weapons Array 16_CIRS WEAPON Number 2
weaponDescriptor Descriptor

DisciplineActions (Action)

Describes the actions taken in response to a discipline incident.