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Ed-Fi Descriptors Data Governance

This section of the site houses information changes the state has made to the Ed-Fi default descriptor set to meet our reporting needs.




Ed-Fi attemptStatusDescriptors

All default descriptors replaced with the following:

Legacy Codeset codeValue
01 Enrolled
02 Withdrawn
03 Completed
04 Incomplete
05 Excused


Legacy ABSCATID Codeset


Ed-Fi attendanceEventCategoryDescriptors

All default descriptors replaced with the following:

Legacy EdFusion Codeset Ed-Fi codeValue
!New, not in Legacy Codeset! In Attendance
EA Excused Absence
UA Unexcused Absence
SNE Student Not Expected
SUS Suspended
EXP Expelled


Incident Type Legacy Codeset

Multiple codesets were wrapped up into behaviorDescriptors

See : - Violence_Related - Victim_Injury - Drug - Incident Type

Ed-Fi behaviorDescriptors

All default descriptors replaced with the following:

Legacy EdFusion Codeset Ed-Fi codeValue Description
Violent: Y Violent this is a violence-related incident
Violent: N Non-violent this is NOT a violence-related incident
Victim Injury Minor Victim Minor Injury A minor injury is one that does not require professional medical attention. Medical attention from the school nurse qualifies the injury as minor unless further medical attention is required.
Victim Injury Serious Serious Bodily Injury A serious bodily injury occurred and professional medical attention was required.
Drug 12 Tobacco Incident involved use of Tobacco
Drug 13 Other Incident involved use of Drug other than Tobacco, Alcohol, Cannabis or Over-the-Counter medication
Drug 2 Alcohol Incident involved use of Alcohol
Drug 3 Cannabis (Marijuana) Incident involved use of Cannabis
Drug 9 Over-the-counter medication Incident involved use of Over-the-counter medication
15 Harassment An incident or incidents of verbal, written, visual, or physical conduct based on or motivated by a student’s or a student’s family member’s actual or perceived race, creed, color, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation,disability or gender identity that has the purpose or effect of objectively and substantially undermining and detracting from or interfering with a student’s educational performance or access to school resources or creating an objectively intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.
16 Hazing Any act committed by a person, whether individually or in concert with others, against a student in connection with pledging, being initiated into, affiliating with, holding office in, or maintaining membership in any organization which is affiliated with an educational institution; and which is intended to have the effect of, or should reasonably be expected to have the effect of, humiliating, intimidating or demeaning the student or endangering the mental or physical health of a student. Hazing also includes soliciting, directing, aiding, or otherwise participating actively or passively in the above acts. Hazing may occur on or off the campus of an educational institution. Hazing shall not include any activity or conduct that furthers legitimate curricular, extracurricular, or military training program goals, provided that: (1) the goals are approved by the educational institution; and (2) the activity or conduct furthers the goals in a manner that is appropriate, contemplated by the educational institution, and normal and customary for similar programs at other educational institutions.
46 Weapons possession Possession of an instrument or object to inflict harm on other persons. Both firearms and other weapons should be coded here.
49 Bullying Any overt act or combination of acts, including an act conducted by electronic means, directed against a student by another student or group of students and which:(A) is repeated over time;(B) is intended to ridicule, humiliate, or intimidate the student; and(C)(i) occurs during the school day on school property, on a school bus, or at a school-sponsored activity, or before or after the school day on a school bus or at a school-sponsored activity; or (ii) does not occur during the school day on school property, on a school bus, or at a school-sponsored activity and can be shown to pose a clear and substantial interference with another student's right to access educational programs.
101 Alcohol Sale or Use (Possession or distribution) Selling alcoholic beverages and/or distributing (i.e., giving away) alcoholic beverages. Drinking alcoholic beverages and/or having alcoholic beverages in one's pocket(s), bag(s), car, locker, etc.
102 Arson To unlawfully and intentionally damage, or attempt to damage, any school or personal property by fire or incendiary device. Firecrackers, fireworks, and trash can fires would be included in this category if they were contributing factors to a damaging fire.
103 Assault/Battery/Maiming A person who, being armed with a dangerous weapon, assaults another and robs, steals or takes from his person or in his presence money or other property which may be the subject of larceny shall be imprisoned for not more than 15 years nor less than one year. or Attempts to cause serious bodily injury to another, or causes such injury purposely, knowingly or recklessly under circumstances manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life; or attempts to cause or purposely or knowingly causes bodily injury to another with a deadly weapon; or for a purpose other than lawful medical or therapeutic treatment, he intentionally causes stupor, unconsciousness, or other physical or mental impairment or injury to another person by administering to him, without his consent, a drug, substance or preparation capable of producing the intended harm; or with intent to prevent a law enforcement officer from performing a lawful duty, he causes physical injury to any person. Any person with malicious intent to maim or disfigure, who shall cut out or maim the tongue, put out or destroy an eye, cut or tear off an ear, cut, slit or mutilate the nose or lip, or cut or disable a limb or member of another person, and any person privy to such intent who shall be present aiding in the commission of such offense. or Attempts to cause or purposely, knowingly or recklessly causes bodily injury to another; or negligently causes bodily injury to another with a deadly weapon; or attempts by physical menace to put another in fear of imminent serious bodily injury.
105 Burglary/B&E/Theft/Larceny Unlawful entry or attempted entry into a building or other structure with the intent to commit a crime.The unlawful taking of property belonging to another person WITHOUT THREAT, VIOLENCE OR BODILY HARM. Electronic theft of data should be coded here. Do not include dealing in stolen goods in this category.
107 Disorderly Conduct Any act that disrupts the orderly conduct of a school function; behavior which substantially disrupts the orderly learning environment. This category comprises misbehavior not captured elsewhere. Problem behaviors could include dress code violations, running in the halls, possession of contraband, cheating, lying to authorities, or falsifying records. or Any significant incident resulting in disciplinary action not classified previously. Offenses could include bribery, fraud, embezzlement, forgery, resisting arrest, gambling, extortion, or dealing in stolen property.
108 Domestic assault (Simple OR Aggravated) Any attempt to cause or willfully or recklessly causes bodily injury to a family or household member, or willfully causes a family or household member to fear imminent serious bodily injury shall be imprisoned not more than one year or fined not more than $5,000.00, or both. or Any attempts to cause or willfully or recklessly causes serious bodily injury to a family or household member; or, uses, attempts to use or is armed with a deadly weapon and threatens to use the deadly weapon on a family or household member; or, commits the crime of domestic assault and has been previously convicted of aggravated domestic assault. A person who commits the crime of first degree aggravated domestic assault shall be imprisoned not more than 15 years or fined not more than $25,000.00, or both. Conduct constituting the offense of first degree aggravated domestic assault under this section shall be considered a violent act for the purpose of determining bail.
109 Drugs other than alcohol or tobacco Unlawful distribution or sale of any illegal drugs. Smoking, snorting, injecting, ingesting, or otherwise using an illegal drug.
110 Fighting Mutual participation in an incident involving physical violence, where there is no major injury.
113 Homicide Killing a human being.
114 Kidnapping Unlawful seizure is transportation, and/or detention of a person against his/her will, or of a minor without the consent of his/her custodial parent(s) or legal guardian. This category includes hostage-taking. Or Intentionally making a false report of potential harm from a bomb, dynamite, explosive, or arson-causing device. or Verbally or otherwise (e.g., ringing alarm bells) making a false report of fire.
117 Robbery (taking of things by force) The taking of, or attempting to take, anything of value that is owned by another person or organization under confrontational circumstances by force or threat of force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear. A key difference between robbery and theft is that the threat of physical harm or actual physical harm is involved in a robbery.
118 School Conduct/Policy Violation This category comprises misbehavior not captured elsewhere. Problem behaviors could include dress code violations, running in the halls, possession of contraband, cheating, lying to authorities, or falsifying records.
119 School Threat - bomb, fire alarm, other Intentionally making a false report of potential harm from a bomb, dynamite, explosive, or arson-causing device.
120 Sexual Assault/Battery (Simple or Aggravated) Oral, anal, or vaginal penetration forcibly or against the person's will or where the victim is incapable of giving consent. Includes rape, fondling, indecent liberties, child molestation, and sodomy. Sexual assault that includes serious bodily injury, assistance to the offender in restraining or assaulting the victim, kidnapping, possession or use of a deadly weapon, repeated nonconsensual acts, previous conviction or sexual assault, victim under age 10 and offender 18 or older, or threats to cause imminent serious bodily injury. or Sexual intercourse, sexual contact, or other behavior intended to result in sexual gratification without force or threat of force. Code statutory rape here.
121 Stalking (Simple or Aggravated) Engage in a course of conduct which consists of following or lying in wait or harassing, and serves no legitimate purpose; and causes the person to fear for his or her physical safety or causes the person substantial emotional distress. Or A person intentionally stalks another person; and such conduct violates a court order that prohibits stalking and is in effect at the time of the offense; or has been previously convicted of stalking or aggravated stalking; or has been previously convicted of an offense an element of which involves an act of violence against the same person; or the person being stalked is under the age of 16 years. A person who commits the crime of aggravated stalking shall be imprisoned not more than five years or be fined not more than $25,000.00, or both. Conduct constituting the offense of aggravated stalking shall be considered a violent act for the purposes of determining bail.
122 Threat/intimidation Physical, verbal, written, or electronic action which immediately creates fear of harm, without displaying a weapon and without subjecting the victim to actual physical attack.
123 Sale of Tobacco Sale of tobacco products (e.g., cigarettes, chewing tobacco) and/or distribution (i.e., giving away) tobacco products: Or Smoking, chewing, or otherwise using tobacco and/or having tobacco in one's pocket(s), bag(s), car, locker, etc.
124 Trespassing To enter or remain on a public school campus or school board facility without authorization of invitation and with no lawful purpose for entry.
125 Unlawful restraint Knowingly restrains another person under circumstances exposing that person to a risk of serious bodily injury; holds a person in involuntary servitude; takes, entices, or harbors a non-relative under the age of 18 without custodian's consent and knowing he/she has no right to do so; or takes, entices or harbors mentally incompetent or other person entrusted by law to custody of another person or institution without their consent and knowing he/she has no right to do so.
126 Vandalism (Personal or school property) Willful destruction or defacement of school property. Or Willful destruction or defacement of personal property.
128 Danger to self/Danger to other(s) Any occurrence or imminent threat of physical harm to oneself. Or Any occurrence or imminent threat of physical harm to another.
129 Lewd or lascivious conduct A person guilty of open and gross lewdness and lascivious behavior. Or A person who shall willfully and lewdly commit any lewd or lascivious act upon or with the body, or any part or member thereof, of a child under the age of 16 years, with the intent of arousing, appealing to, or gratifying the lust, passions or sexual desires of such person or of such child.
130 Property damage Imminent threat of or actual damage to school property that leads to the disciplinary action of either seclusionary timeout or physical restraint.


Legacy Codeset COURSELEVEL


Ed-Fi competencyLevelDescriptor

All default descriptors replaced with the following:

Legacy Codeset Ed-Fi codeValue Description
A Advanced An advanced course designed for students who achieve a specified level of academic performance
B Basic or Remedial A course focusing primarily on skills development. The course offered may focus on the improvement of a particular deficiency in content previously taught but not learned.
E Enriched course A course that augments the contents and/or rigor of a general course, but does not carry an honors
G General A course providing instruction that focuses primarily on general concepts appropriate for the grade level.
H Honors course A course carrying an honors status according to educational requirements. These courses typically include additional content and/or a higher level of rigor than that found in general courses and they are formally designated as honors course
P Postsecondary A course, often taken at or in conjunction with a postsecondary institution, which contains instruction equivalent to a college-level course and for which a student may earn college credits.
S Special Education A course when a special educator provides instruction in any of the core areas (i.e. English language arts/reading, math, science, and social studies) to one or more students in place of regular classroom instruction in that content area, including planning and assessment of student performance in the core area(s), the special educator is considered to provide primary instruction. The instruction may take place in the regular classroom or outside it.
X No Specified Rigor The notion of rigor may not be appropriate for some courses at the elementary and middle levels; survey or interest courses that expose students to a variety of subjects are examples.
Z Alternative Education Course An Alternative Program is a program in which students receive all or the majority of their instruction in one or more of the core areas of English Language Arts, Math, Science, or Social Studies in a program that is different from or separate from the regular school program. It can be a separately existing program housed in its own building, or it can be a single class in a high school.


Ed-Fi courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor

All default descriptors removed except SCED course code which is the only value course identification system supported




Ed-Fi courseLevelCharacteristicDescriptors

All default descriptors replaced with the following:

Legacy Codeset Ed-Fi codeValue
COURSELEVELCHARACTERISTIC 73044 Career and Technical Education
COURSELEVELCHARACTERISTIC 73045 Dual-Credit Career and technical Education
COURSELEVELCHARACTERISTIC 00569 Students With Disabilities
COURSELEVELCHARACTERISTIC 00574 International Baccalaureate
COURSELEVELCHARACTERISTIC 00578 English Language Learner (ELL)
COURSELEVELCHARACTERISTIC 00579 Accepted High School Equivalent
COURSELEVELCHARACTERISTIC 00741 Completion Of Requirement
COURSECAT 139 CTE Education and Training (9-12)
COURSECAT 400 English - Special Education
COURSECAT 1 Elementary Education-General (K-6)
COURSECAT 100 Science-Physics
COURSECAT 101 Science-Earth or Environmental Science
COURSECAT 103 Science-Physical Science
COURSECAT 105 Social Studies-Civics & Government
COURSECAT 106 Foreign Lang-Chinese
COURSECAT 107 Social Studies-Economics
COURSECAT 108 Social Studies-Geography
COURSECAT 109 Social Studies-History
COURSECAT 112 Foreign Lang-Italian
COURSECAT 113 Foreign Language-Other
COURSECAT 114 Educational Technology
COURSECAT 115 Reading
COURSECAT 117 Middle Grades-English (5-9)
COURSECAT 118 Middle Grades-Math (5-9)
COURSECAT 119 Middle Grades-Science (5-9)
COURSECAT 12 Computer Science
COURSECAT 120 Middle Grades-Social Studies (5-9)
COURSECAT 125 CTE Arts & Communication (9-12)
COURSECAT 126 CTE Architecture & Construction (9-12)
COURSECAT 127 CTE Hospitality (9-12)
COURSECAT 128 CTE Information Technology (9-12)
COURSECAT 129 CTE Law & Public Safety (9-12)
COURSECAT 13 Social Studies-General (7-12)
COURSECAT 130 CTE Manufacturing (9-12)
COURSECAT 131 CTE Engineering (9-12)
COURSECAT 132 CTE Transportation (9-12)
COURSECAT 133 CTE Human Services (9-12)
COURSECAT 134 Pre-Tech Foundations
COURSECAT 135 Social Sciences
COURSECAT 136 Title I Reading
COURSECAT 137 Title I Math
COURSECAT 17 Driver Education
COURSECAT 18 Health Education
COURSECAT 19 Occupational Family & Consumer Sciences
COURSECAT 2 Agriculture Education
COURSECAT 20 Health Occupations
COURSECAT 21 Distributive & Marketing Education
COURSECAT 22 Early Childhood
COURSECAT 23 Theatre Arts
COURSECAT 25 Bilingual Education
COURSECAT 26 English as a Second Language
COURSECAT 29 Library Media
COURSECAT 4 Business Education
COURSECAT 410 Mathematics - Special Education
COURSECAT 42 Foreign Lang-Japanese
COURSECAT 420 Science - Special Education
COURSECAT 430 Social Studies - Special Education
COURSECAT 5 English (7-12)
COURSECAT 500 English - Alternative Program
COURSECAT 510 Mathematics - Alternative Program
COURSECAT 52 Science-General Science (7-12)
COURSECAT 520 Science - Alternative Program
COURSECAT 530 Social Studies - Alternative Program
COURSECAT 6 Physical Education
COURSECAT 7 Family and Consumer Sciences
COURSECAT 8 Design & Technology Education
COURSECAT 9 Mathematics (7-12)
COURSECAT 92 Foreign Lang-French
COURSECAT 93 Foreign Lang-Spanish
COURSECAT 94 Foreign Lang-German
COURSECAT 95 Foreign Lang-Russian
COURSECAT 96 Foreign Lang-Latin
COURSECAT 97 Foreign Lang-Greek
COURSECAT 98 Science-Biology
COURSECAT 99 Science-Chemistry




Ed-Fi mediumOfInstructionDescriptors

All default descriptors replaced with the following:

Legacy Codeset Ed-Fi codeValue
OF Off Campus
ON On Campus
TC Technical
VR Virtual


ENTRYTYPE Legacy Codeset


Ed-Fi entryTypeDescriptors

All default descriptors replaced with the following:

EdFusion Legacy Codeset Ed-Fi codeValue
01 Transfer from VT Public school
02 Transfer from Independent School
03 Transfer from Outside State
04 Transfer from Institution
05 Transfer from Home Study
06 Matriculation/Promotion
08 New to Any Education System
07 Re-entry
09 New to U.S. Without School Interruption
10 New to U.S. With School Interruption


EXITTYPE Legacy Codeset


Ed-Fi exitWithdrawTypeDescriptor

All default descriptors replaced with the following:

Legacy Codeset Ed-Fi codeValue
01 Transfer To VT Public School
02 Transfer To VT School Choice
03 Transfer To VT Independent School
04 Transfer To School Outside VT
05 Transfer To An Institution
06 Transfer to Home Study
07 Matriculation/Promotion
08 Graduated With Regular Diploma
09 Completed School With Other Credentials
11 Death
12 Illness
14 Discontinued Schooling
15 Absence/Status Unknown
16 Moved And Not Known To Be Continuing School
18 Transfer to GED program NOT operated by VT School
19 Transfer to College Program


GRADE Legacy Codeset

See Grade

Ed-Fi gradeLevelDescriptors

All default descriptors were left in place, but we removed the following that were not used:

Ed-Fi codeValue to remove
Grade 13
No grade level


ADMTDIST Legacy Codeset


Ed-Fi residencyStatusDescriptors

All default descriptors replaced with the following the town org codes available here:


FUNDSOURNCE Legacy Codeset


Ed-Fi responsibilityDescriptor

All default descriptors replaced with the following:

Legacy FundSource Ed-Fi responsibilityDescriptor codeValue Description
FUNDSOURNCE 01 Fund Source Operating School District
FUNDSOURNCE 02 Fund Source Other VT School District
FUNDSOURNCE 03 Fund Source Non-VT School District
FUNDSOURNCE 04 Fund Source VT State Agency
FUNDSOURNCE 05 Fund Source Agency of Another State
FUNDSOURNCE 06 Fund Source Federal Agency
FUNDSOURNCE 07 Fund Source Private Funding
FUNDSOURNCE 08 Fund Source Employee Benefit
FUNDSOURNCE 09 Fund Source Sponsored by Operating District
FUNDSOURNCE 98 Fund Source Other
ADMINSTAT 01 Regular student A student who meets all of the regular admission requirements of a school or an educational institution. This includes only students who are residents of the operating school district, students who are residents of member towns of a union district, and students tuitioned from other districts.
ADMINSTAT 02 Status of School Choice Student A high school student who meets all of the regular admission requirements of a school attending from another Vermont high school with a school choice agreement.
ADMINSTAT 03 Status of Exchange student A student from a country outside of the United States or its outlying areas who is temporarily enrolled in classes or a course of study at a school or educational institution in the United States. These students should have a FUNDSOURCE of 07, 09 or 98, and an ADMTDIST of 906.
ADMINSTAT 04 Status of Home-study taking academic classes A student who receives home instruction and takes academic courses at a school. Academic courses include those courses that regular students receive academic credit for and that take place during normal school hours. Note: these students may or may not participate in extra- or co-curricular activities.
ADMINSTAT 05 Status of Home-study partic. in activities only A student who receives home instruction and who participates in school sponsored extra- or co-curricular activities. These activities frequently take place outside of normal school hours and often last for only a portion of the school year. The school is not required to track attendance for these students. Do not include students attending an independent school and participating in extra- or co-curricular activities here.
ADMINSTAT 06 Status of Guest student A student attending a school or educational institution on a full-time basis other than the school of his or her regular enrollment without tuition payments.
ADMINSTAT 07 Status of Receiving Services But Not Enrolled Student is receiving services at this school, and enrolled in a different organization.
ADMINSTAT 08 Status of Enrolled But Rec. Services Elsewhere Student is enrolled at this school, but, receiving services in a different organization.
ADMINSTAT 09 Status of HSCP Student attending the high school completion program.


NSLELG Legacy Codeset


Ed-Fi schoolFoodServiceProgramServiceDescriptors

All default descriptors replaced with the following:

Legacy Codeset Ed-Fi codeValue Status Description
01 Free Breakfast Or Lunch Deprecated Please use new FPL eligibility levels
02 Reduced-price Breakfast Or Lunch Deprecated Please use new FPL eligibility levels
09 Eligible, But Declined Benefit Deprecated This is not an option in Vermont
96 Not Eligible Above 185% FPL or could not be determined
- 130% FPL due to NSLP App. Cat. Elg. New at or below 130% of FPL due to Foster, Migrant, Homeless/Runaway indicated on NSLP Form/Application
- 130% FPL due to SNAP DCERT New at or below 130% FPL due to SNAP Direct Certification
- 130% FPL due to TANF or Other DCERT New at or below 130% FPL or below due to TANF, Reach Up, State-Placed Foster, Migrant, Homeless/Runaway, and Head Start Direct Certification
- 130% FPL due to MEDICAID DCERT New at or below 130% FPL or below due to MEDICAID Direct Certification
- 185% FPL due to MEDICAID DCERT New at or below 185% FPL due to MEDICAID Direct Certification
- 130% FPL due to NSLP App. New at or below 130% FPL due to household NSLP Application
- 185% FPL due to NSLP App. New at or below 185% FPL due to household NSLP Application
- 185% FPL due to HIF New at or below 185% FPL due to Household Income Form


RoleID Legacy Codeset

See RoleID


The following default descriptors were removed:

Legacy Code codeValue description
Counselor Counselor
Instructional Aide Instructional Aide
Instructional Coordinator Instructional Coordinator
LEA Administrator LEA Administrator
LEA Specialist LEA Specialist
LEA System Administrator LEA System Administrator
Operational Support Operational Support
Other Other
School Administrative Support Staff School Administrative Support Staff
School Counselors School Counselors
School Leader School Leader
School Specialist School Specialist
School Psychologist School Psychologist
State Administrator State Administrator
Student Support Services Staff (w/o Psychology) Student Support Services Staff (w/o Psychology)
Substitute Teacher Substitute Teacher
Support Services Staff Support Services Staff
Teacher Teacher
Ungraded Teachers Ungraded Teachers

The following default descriptors were left in place:

Legacy Code codeValue description
207, 304 All Other Support Staff All Other Support Staff
502 Assistant Principal Assistant Principal
402 Assistant Superintendent Assistant Superintendent
202 Elementary School Counselors Elementary School Counselors
103 Elementary Teachers Elementary Teachers
305, 310 Instr Coordinators and Supervisors to the Staff Instructional Coordinators and Supervisors to the Staff
102 Kindergarten Teachers Kindergarten Teachers
403 LEA Administrative Support Staff LEA Administrative Support Staff
307 Librarians/Media Specialists Librarians/Media Specialists
308 Library/Media Support Staff Library/Media Support Staff
111 Paraprofessionals/Instructional Aides Paraprofessionals/Instructional Aides
101 Pre-Kindergarten Teachers Pre-Kindergarten Teachers
501 Principal Principal
206 School Administrator School Administrator
203 Secondary School Counselors Secondary School Counselors
104 Secondary Teachers Secondary Teachers
401 Superintendent Superintendent

The following new descriptors were added:

Legacy EdFusion codeValue
108 Vocational Teachers
113 Elementary Special Educators (Grades 1-6)
114 Secondary Special Educators (Grades 7-12)
201 Attendance & Social Work Personnel
204 Nurses
205 Psych., Speech Path., Audiology, Occ. Therapy
209 Nurses Aides
301 Athletic Directors
302 Audiovisual & Instructional Technology Staff
303 Title 1 Coordinators
306 EEE Directors
309 Special Education Directors
310 Instructional Coaches for Educators
311 Voc Education and Adult Ed Directors
321 Enterprise Operations
331 Community Services Operations
421 Facilities Acquisition and Construction
503 Admin. Assists., Clerical & Sec. Support Staff
504 Athletic Directors
505 Bookkeeper
601 Business Managers
602 Human Resources Personnel
603 Food Service Staff
604 Maintenance and Security
605 Student Transportation Staff
701 Admin. Assists., Clerical & Secretarial Support Staff
702 In-service Training Staff, non-instructional
703 Planning, Research, & Development Staff
704 Statistical, Data Processing & IT Staff


Weapon Legacy Codeset

See Weapon

Ed-Fi weaponDescriptors

All default descriptors replaced with the following:

Legacy EdFusion Codset Ed-Fi codeValue Description
12 Multiple Firearms More than one handgun, rifle, shotgun or other firearm.
1 No Weapon No weapon was used in the incident.
10 Other Other objects used as a weapon, including but not limited to chains, nunchakus, brass knuckle, billy club, electrical weapon such as stun gun, or other weapon not included in any other category here.
2 Handgun The weapon involved was a handgun or pistol.
3 Shotgun/Rifle The weapon involved was a shotgun or rifle.
4 BB Gun The weapon involved was a BB gun.
5 Other Firearm This includes zip guns, starter guns, flare guns, any weapon which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of any explosive. Also the frame or receiver of any weapon described, or firearm muff
6 Destructive Device Any explosive, incendiary (e.g., bomb, grenade), or poison gas; any weapon which may expel a projectile by explosive or other propellant with barrel bore being more than one-half inch in diameter. Any combo of these parts from which a
7 Knife The weapon involved was a knife.


Legacy Action_Type Codeset

Multiple codesets were wrapped up into behaviorDescriptors

See : RESTRAINT - Admin_Verified - RESTRAINT - SECLUSION - Susp_Red - Action_Type

Ed-Fi disciplineDescriptors

All default descriptors replaced with the following:

Legacy EdFusion Codset Ed-Fi codeValue Description
Admin_Verified Yes Incident has been verified by administration Investigated and verified by admin as hazing, harassment, or bullying
RESTRAINT Yes Restraint was used The student was restrained at any point of this incident
SECLUSION Yes Seclusion was used Student secluded from normal classroom activities at any point
Susp_Red Yes Reduced gun-possession suspension School Board reduced this gun-possession suspension to less than one year
10 In School Suspension The student was removed and assigned to an in-school-suspension program.
11 Out of School Suspension The student was removed and DID NOT receive edu. services
13 Unilateral Removal to Interim Alternative Setting The student was removed and assigned to an in-school-suspension program.
14 No action taken No consequences resulted from the offender's actions.
15 Other There was a consequence but none of the other categories apply.
16 Bus Suspension Student was suspended from bus transport
2 Conference and Warning With Student Admin discussed the incident with the student and issued a warning
3 Conference and Warning With Guardian Admin discussed the incident with the Parents and issued a warning
4 Detention The student was assigned to detention
5 Expulsion The student was to expelled
6 No finding (Hazing/Harassment only) Complaint investigated, insufficient evidence to substantiate harassment.
8 Referral to Alternative Program


Legacy SYTFrame Codeset

See SYTFrame

Ed-Fi calendarTypeDescriptors

We have added the following descriptor to account for summer calendar timeframes, all other descriptors left in place.

Legacy EdFusion Codset Ed-Fi codeValue Description
S Summer School School Summer Session Calendar

For the legacy code R (Regular School Year), please use the Ed-Fi calendarTypeDescriptor School


There are no direct legacy system relation to this descriptor, although the column GRADE from the 2_TS_Stu_ADMByEnrollingOrg file would inform how this option is selected for a student. This was added to address weighting needs from act 127.

Ed-Fi serviceDescriptors

This value is only required for students who have a programType of Tuitioned Student or Universal PreK, but could be set on every student with no ill effects.

All default descriptors replaced with the following:

Ed-Fi codeValue Description
PreK Service PreK school for the Universal PreK program
Elementary Service (K-5) High School for the "Tuitioned Student" program
Middle School Service(6-8) Middle School for the "Tuitioned Student" program
High School Service(9-12) High School for the "Tuitioned Student" program


Legacy Location Codeset

See Location

Ed-Fi incidentLocationDescriptor

The following default Ed-Fi descriptors were removed:

Legacy Code codeValue
Bus stop
Computer lab
Off campus
Off-campus at other school
Off-campus at other school district facility
On campus
On-campus other outside area
Parking lot
On-campus other inside area

These values match up with Existing Ed-Fi Descriptors:

Legacy Code codeValue
11 Athletic field or playground
30 Administrative offices area
2 Cafeteria area
3 Classroom
4 Hallway or stairs
7 Library/media center
5 Locker room or gym areas
29 Off-campus at a school sponsored activity
18 Off-campus at another location unrelated to school
20 Online
6 Restroom
16 School bus
19 Unknown
17 Walking to or from school

These descriptors were added to match our Legacy Codeset:

Legacy Code codeValue
27 Mealtime area
21 Classroom Large Group Activity
22 Classroom Small Group Activity
23 Classroom Individual Activity
24 Centers/Playtime
25 Transitions
26 Bathroom/Diapering area
28 Quiet time/nap area


Legacy ADMTYP Codeset


Ed-Fi studentCharacteristicDescriptor

All default Ed-Fi descriptors are left in place and we have added:

Legacy Code codeValue
S State Placed Foster Care



Please note that the existing Ed-Fi studentCharacteristicDescriptors are to legacy values IST1MATH, IST1OTHER, IST1RLA, IST1SCIENCE ,IST1SOCIAL, IST1VOC, SST1GUID, SST1HEALTH, SST1OTHER

See T1SERVICES for added "Targeted Assistance Services"


All default Ed-Fi descriptors are left in place and we have added:

Legacy Code codeValue
T1SERVICES - Y Targeted Assistance Services


Legacy MKSERVICE Codeset



All default Ed-Fi descriptors were removed and we have added:

Legacy Code codeValue
MKSERVICE - Y McKinney-Vento


Legacy EMPSTATNO Codeset



All default Ed-Fi descriptors were removed and we have added:

Legacy CODE Ed-Fi Descriptor
101 Employment requires VT license
102 Employment DOES NOT require license
103 Contracted position
108 On leave part-year, employed part-year
110 Other


Legacy Role Codeset

see Role

Legacy CODE Ed-Fi Descriptor
10 Teacher of Record
20 Co-Teacher of Record
30 Other Contributing Professional
40 Instructor, not credit awarding
50 Special Educator, credit awarding
60 Special Educator, not credit awarding