State of Vermont
Agency of Education
Data Collection and Reporting Knowledge Base
Data Collection and Reporting Knowledge Base
Resources related to a student record.
Describes student name and birth data associated with an assigned Georgia Test Identifier.
One record per student.
Data relates to the legacy Student_Identy file. These values should match a legal document indicating a students legal name, sex and date of birth.
Ed-Fi Element | Data Type | Implementation Notes | Req'd | AOE Req'd | AOE Layout | AOE Name | Data Type Length |
Notes |
birthCity | String 30 | |||||||
birthCountryDescriptor | Descriptor | |||||||
birthSexDescriptor | Descriptor | M | 0_Student_Identity | GENDER | String 1 | M=Male, F=Female. This is currently required for federal reporting and this value should indicate their legal sex. | ||
birthDate | Date | Y | M | 0_Student_Identity | DOB | Date | ||
personalTitlePrefix | String 30 | |||||||
lastSurname | String 75 | Y | M | 0_Student_Identity | LNAME | String 36 | ||
firstName | String 75 | Y | M | 0_Student_Identity | FNAME | String 20 | ||
middleName | String 75 | 0_Student_Identity | MNAME | String 20 | ||||
generationCodeSuffix | String 10 | 0_Student_Identity | POSTNAME | String 5 | ||||
maidenName | String 75 | |||||||
multipleBirthStatus | Boolean | |||||||
dateEnteredUS | Date | |||||||
citizenshipStatusDescriptor | Descriptor | |||||||
studentUniqueId | String 32 | Y | M | 0_Student_Identity | PERMNUMBER | Number 10 |
Describes student demographic and situational details
Ed-Fi Element | Data Type | Implementation Notes | Req'd | AOE Req'd | AOE Layout | AOE Name | Data Type Length |
Notes |
hispanicLatinoEthnicity | Boolean | Y | M | 4_PS_Enroll | ETHNO | Number 1 | 1=Hispanic, 2=Not Hispanic | |
limitedEnglishProficiencyDescriptor | Descriptor | RA | ||||||
oldEthnicityDescriptor | Descriptor | |||||||
sexDescriptor | Descriptor | Y | M | Please use this to assign a gender for a student that differs from their birth sex as defined as male of female. This should be used to indicate their preferred gender. We will use this in reporting if we are able to. | ||||
educationOrganizationId | Integer | Y | M | |||||
studentUniqueId | String 32 | Y | M | 0_Student_Identity | PERMNUMBER | Number 10 | ||
Array | Please provide student/guardian address information when available | |||||||
addressTypeDescriptor | Descriptor | RA | ||||||
stateAbbreviationDescriptor | Descriptor | RA | ||||||
city | String 30 | RA | ||||||
postalCode | String 17 | RA | ||||||
streetNumberName | String 150 | RA | ||||||
apartmentRoomSuiteNumber | String 50 | RA | ||||||
buildingSiteNumber | String 20 | RA | ||||||
doNotPublishIndicator | Boolean | RA | ||||||
nameOfCounty | String 30 | RA | ||||||
Array | In the future, we hope to populate this with the value the state has on record for the "first year 9" cohort this student belongs to. | |||||||
cohortYearTypeDescriptor | Descriptor | |||||||
termDescriptor | Descriptor | |||||||
schoolYear | Integer | |||||||
Array | Please provide this information if available | |||||||
disabilityDescriptor | Descriptor | RA | ||||||
disabilityDeterminationSourceTypeDescriptor | Descriptor | RA | ||||||
disabilityDiagnosis | String 80 | RA | ||||||
orderOfDisability | Integer | RA | ||||||
Array | ||||||||
disabilityDesignationDescriptor | Descriptor | RA | ||||||
Array | Please provide this information if available | |||||||
electronicMailTypeDescriptor | Descriptor | RA | ||||||
electronicMailAddress | String 128 | RA | ||||||
doNotPublishIndicator | Boolean | RA | ||||||
primaryEmailAddressIndicator | Boolean | RA | ||||||
Array | ||||||||
languageDescriptor | Descriptor | RA | ||||||
/uses | Array | |||||||
languageUseDescriptor | Descriptor | RA | ||||||
Array | ||||||||
raceDescriptor | Descriptor | "American Indian - Alaska Native" "Asian" "Black - African American" "Native Hawaiian - Pacific Islander" "White" |
String 1 | ||
Array | ||||||||
studentCharacteristicDescriptor | Descriptor | "Foster Care" "Parent in Military" "State Placed Foster Care" |
CR | 6_PS_ADM |
"State Placed Foster Care" is used to identify students who are placed by the state outside of their normal district of residence for the purposes of foster care. This is used in funding calculations. Regular "Foster Care" is for those in foster care not placed by the state. TODO: add "State Placed Foster Care" Descriptor |
Array | ||||||||
studentIdentificationSystemDescriptor | Descriptor | "District" and "SSN" if possible | CR | 17_CIRS_Offenders 19_CIRS_Victims |
Number 10 | ||
assigningOrganizationIdentificationCode | String 60 | CR | ||||||
identificationCode | String 60 | CR | ||||||
Array | ||||||||
indicatorName | String 200 | "ADM Hours" "Home Study Activity ADM" |
M M |
6_PS_ADM TS_Stu_ADMByEnrollingOrg |
Number 2,2 Number 1,2 Number 2,2 |
These values only apply to students attending part time and should be calculated based on the number of activities or hours a student is attending part time. Most students should not need this set and it is assumed they are attending full time. | |
indicator | String 60 | M M |
Should be a number less than or equal to 1 with a max of 2 decimal places | |||||
indicatorGroup | String 200 | |||||||
Array | The state does not wish to record telephone numbers at this time, however LEA's might want to make use of this for systems that integrate with Ed-Fi. | |||||||
telephoneNumberTypeDescriptor | Descriptor | |||||||
telephoneNumber | String 24 | |||||||
doNotPublishIndicator | Boolean | |||||||
orderOfPriority | Integer | |||||||
textMessageCapabilityIndicator | Boolean | |||||||
Array | ||||||||
tribalAffiliationDescriptor | Descriptor |
Describes an organization's relationship and responsibility for a student.
Two records per public school student, one for ADMINSTAT, and one for FUNDSOURCE.
Ed-Fi Element | Data Type | Implementation Notes | Req'd | AOE Req'd | AOE Layout | AOE Name | Data Type Length |
Notes |
beginDate | Date | Y | M | 6_PS_ADM | ADMBEG | Date | ||
endDate | Date | RA | This should be set when a student is exited to another LEA. | |||||
responsibilityDescriptor | Descriptor | Y | M | 4_PS_Enroll 6_PS_ADM |
String 6 String 2 | | |
educationOrganizationId | Integer | Y | M | 6_PS_ADM | ||||
studentUniqueId | String 32 | Y | M | 6_PS_ADM | PERMNUMBER | Number 10 |
Describes a student enrollment into a school.
One record per student / active school enrollment.
Ed-Fi Element | Data Type | Implementation Notes | Req'd | AOE Req'd | AOE Layout | AOE Name | Data Type Length |
Notes |
entryDate | Date | Y | M | 4_PS_Enroll 5_PS_GradeProg 6_PS_ADM |
Date | ||
entryGradeLevelDescriptor | Descriptor | Y | M | 5_PS_GradeProg | GRADE | String 2 | | |
entryGradeLevelReasonDescriptor | Descriptor | |||||||
entryTypeDescriptor | Descriptor | M | 4_PS_Enroll | ENTRYTYPE | String 2 | | ||
exitWithdrawDate | Date | CR | 4_PS_Enroll 5_PS_GradeProg 6_PS_ADM |
Date | Please set this when a student unenrolls from a school | ||
exitWithdrawTypeDescriptor | Descriptor | CR | 4_PS_Enroll | EXITTYPE | String 2 | | ||
fullTimeEquivalency | Decimal | Allow 0.5 or 1.0 | M | 7_PS_ATT | ATTENTYPEID | String 3 | ||
primarySchool | Boolean | M | Please set to True on the main/primary school this student is enrolled in. This is the school that will recieve ADM for this student. | |||||
repeatGradeIndicator | Boolean | |||||||
residencyStatusDescriptor | Descriptor | M | 6_PS_ADM | ADMTDIST HS_ACTIVTDISTID |
String 6 | | ||
schoolChoiceTransfer | Boolean | RA | Please set this to True for students attending this is from a school choice agreement or award. These are students who would of had the legacy ADMINSTAT of "02 - School Choice" or "06 - Guest student" | |||||
termCompletionIndicator | Boolean | |||||||
schoolId | Integer | Y | 4_PS_Enroll 5_PS_GradeProg |
ENRORGID | String 6 | |||
studentUniqueId | String 32 | Y | 4_PS_Enroll 5_PS_GradeProg |
PERMNUMBER | Number 10 | |||
calendarCode | String 60 | M | ||||||
schoolId | Integer | M | ||||||
schoolYear | Integer | YYYY | M | |||||
schoolYear | YYYY | M | ||||||
educationOrganizationId | Integer | |||||||
graduationPlanTypeDescriptor | Descriptor | |||||||
graduationSchoolYear | Integer | YYYY |
Describes a student class registration.
One record per student / section / school.
Ed-Fi Element | Data Type | Implementation Notes | Req'd | AOE Req'd | AOE Layout | AOE Name | Data Type Length |
Notes |
beginDate | Date | Y | M | |||||
endDate | Date | RA | This should be set when a student is exited from this section early, leave blank if they finished the section as expected. | |||||
attemptStatusDescriptor | Descriptor | M | 14a_StuSection_Enrollment | COURSEENROLLSTATUS | String 2 | | ||
homeroomIndicator | Boolean | |||||||
repeatIdentifierDescriptor | Descriptor | |||||||
Y | M | |||||||
localCourseCode | String 60 | Y | M | 14a_StuSection_Enrollment | LOCALCOURSEID | String 55 | ||
schoolId | Integer | Y | M | 14a_StuSection_Enrollment | ENRORGID | String 6 | ||
schoolYear | Integer | 4-digits | Y | M | ||||
sectionIdentifier | String 255 | Y | M | 14a_StuSection_Enrollment | COURSESECTION | String 30 | ||
sessionName | String 60 | Y | M | |||||
studentUniqueId | String 32 | Y | M | 14a_StuSection_Enrollment | PERMNUMBER | Number 10 |
Describes student school attendance calculated/taken by date.
One record per student / school / day (Include both positive and negative attendance).
Publish ALL attendance.
Ed-Fi Element | Data Type | Implementation Notes | Req'd | AOE Req'd | AOE Layout | AOE Name | Data Type Length |
Notes |
attendanceEventCategoryDescriptor | Descriptor | Y | M | 7_PS_Att | ABSCATID DAILYSTATUS |
String 3 String 3 | | |
eventDate | Date | Y | M | 7_PS_Att | ATTEVENTDATE | Date | ||
arrivalTime | String | |||||||
attendanceEventReason | String 255 | |||||||
departureTime | String | |||||||
educationalEnvironmentDescriptor | Descriptor | |||||||
eventDuration | Double | Fraction of day | M | 7_PS_Att | DSID_VALUE | Number 1,2 | ||
schoolAttendanceDuration | Integer | Total minutes | ||||||
studentUniqueId | Integer | Y | M | 7_PS_Att | PERMNUMBER | Number 10 | ||
schoolId | Integer | Y | M | 7_PS_Att | ENRORGID | String 6 | ||
Y | M | |||||||
schoolId | Integer | Y | M | |||||
schoolYear | Integer | 4 digits | Y | M | ||||
sessionName | String 60 | Y | M |
All students attending a public school should have one StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations and two StudentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociations records.
A public school student should have one StudentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociations.responsibilityDescriptor set for those descriptors starting with "Fund Source".
A public school student should have one StudentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociations.responsibilityDescriptor set for those descriptors starting with "Status of".
Tuitioned Students should only have a StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations, and their funding attributes are described in StudentProgramAssociations.