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These are the columns used in this submission file:

Name Description Definition Data Type Length is_PK Codeset
ADMINID SU/SD ID The VT AOE assigned unique identifier for the Supervisory Union/District that is submitting data. STRING 6 X Issued by AOE
ENRORGID Enrolling Org ID The VT AOE assigned unique identifier for an organization providing direct instructional or educational services. STRING 6 X Issued by AOE
PERMNUMBER State Assigned Student ID The VT AOE assigned unique student identifier. This number is distinct for each student over time. NUMBER 10 X
CURRGRADE Grade A codeset value indicating the current grade level or primary instructional level at which a student received services in a school or educational institution. STRING 2 X Issued by AOE
OOSORGNAME Name of Out of State Ed Org (If app) The full, legally accepted or popular name of an out-of-state education organization. STRING 55
-OOSORGADDR1- -Out of State Ed Org Street Address--- -The first line of the street/city/state/zip portion of the address of an out-of-state education organization.  In North American addresses, this is usually the street address.- STRING 50
OOSORGCITY Out of State Ed Org City/Town The city/town portion of the address of an out-of-state education organization. STRING 55
OOSORGSTATE Out of State Ed Org State The state portion of the address of an out-of-state education organization. STRING 2
OOSORGZIP Out of State Ed Org Zip Code The zip code portion of the address of an out-of-state education organization. STRING 11
ADMTDIST Town District Id The VT AOE assigned unique identifier for the town district of residence. STRING 6 X Issued by AOE
ADMTYP ADM Type A codeset value indicating the ADM Type (Resident/State Placed). STRING 1 X Issued by AOE
ADMFPSTAT Full/Part Time Status A codeset value indicating a student's Full/Part Time Status as determined by Vermont State Board of Education Rule. STRING 1 X Issued by AOE
ADMHOURS # of Hours Expected in School The number of hours in school the part-time student is expected to attend each week. NUMBER 2,2
ADMDAYS #  of ADM days student is enrolled The number of ADM days a student is enrolled and receiving services in a town district. NUMBER 2,2
SY School Year The school year for which data is being submitted. NUMBER 4


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