State of Vermont
Agency of Education
Data Collection and Reporting Knowledge Base
Data Collection and Reporting Knowledge Base
These are the columns used in this submission file:
Name | Description | Data Type | Length | is_PK | Codeset | Definition |
ADMINID | SU/SD ID | STRING | 6 | Issued by AOE | The VT AOE assigned unique identifier for the Supervisory Union/District that is submitting data. | |
ENRORGID | Enrolling Org ID | STRING | 6 | X | Issued by AOE | The VT AOE assigned unique identifier for an organization providing direct instructional or educational services. |
PERMNUMBER | State Assigned Student ID | NUMBER | 10 | X | The VT AOE assigned unique student identifier. This number is distinct for each student over time. | |
FUNDSOURCE | Funding Source | STRING | 2 | X | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating the person, group, or organizational entity paying for a student's educational expenditures. These expenditures are typically paid by the student's resident district by operating a school, paying tuition, or paying union assessments. However, a student's expenses may be covered by an alternative agreement between the school board and another party. The school district may assume the responsibility for a non-resident, non-member student or the school district may be given funding to pay for that student's educational expenses. |
ADMTDIST | Town District Residence | STRING | 6 | X | Issued by AOE | The VT AOE assigned unique identifier for the town district of residence. |
ADMTYP | ADM Type | STRING | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating the ADM Type (Resident/State Placed). | |
ADMFPSTAT | Full/Part Time Status | STRING | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating a student's Full/Part Time Status as determined by Vermont State Board of Education Rule. | |
ADMHOURS | # of Hours Expected in School | NUMBER | 2,2 | The number of hours in school the part-time student is expected to attend each week. | ||
ADMBEG | ADM Start Date | DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) | X | The month, day, and year marking the beginning of the student's inclusion in the ADM count. | ||
HS_ACTIVTDISTID | Home Study Town Dist of Res | STRING | 6 | Issued by AOE | The VT AOE assigned unique identifier for the student's town district of residence. In this context, the town district of residence should reflect the home study student's activity period. | |
HS_ACTIVADM | Home Study Activity ADM | NUMBER | 1,2 | The summation of ADM values corresponding to all eligible activities where a home study student may be credited a proportional Average Daily Membership (ADM). | ||
SY | School Year | NUMBER | 4 | X | The school year for which data is being submitted. |