State of Vermont
Agency of Education
Data Collection and Reporting Knowledge Base
Data Collection and Reporting Knowledge Base
This is now the official version of this document, where as legacy versions were released each year. This page will represent the most current standards and any changes will be tracked in the Knowledge Base Change Log
This page was last updated in June of 2023.
The Vermont School Register is a student record-keeping document required by Vermont Statute (see Appendix B). The purpose of the school register is to document each Vermont school’s continuous year-to-year cycle of enrolling students, to record daily attendance, to report dropouts and graduates, and to report year-end attendance to the Agency of education. It is the source document for calculating Average Daily Membership, which is a critical aspect in the state funding system.
The Vermont School Register consist of a list of students and student information. This information serves as a public record and should be maintained as such.
Schools are expected to maintain a computerized student information system.
Beginning in 2018 the mechanism for transferring this information to the Agency of Educations is the Statewide Longitudinal Data System (SLDS), which will collect data throughout the school year. EdFusion was the platform used for this collection. Transferring the data via the Ed-Fi API and protocol will be required for school year 2024-2025(SY25). Please work with your student information system vendors to prepare for this change. The information below has been updated to include both the legacy EdFusion and new Ed-Fi reporting codeValues and processes to help aid this transfer to Ed-Fi in SY25.
In Vermont, students of compulsory age are expected to be members of a school or acceptable educational program. A student must be enrolled elsewhere if he or she leave their current school or educational program. This concept of continuous enrollment has always been included in the school register.
The former Student Census, now DC#06 Fall ADM Official and DC#04 Year End, documents the entry of students into the school system, their continuous enrollment from one school to another within Vermont and/or their transfer out of the Vermont Public School System. Each student must be enrolled on a register whether the student attends that first day of school or not. Once a child is enrolled in the school system, it is the school district’s responsibility at the beginning of the year to account for each student who was enrolled on the last day of school the previous year. Within ten days of the start of each school year, the register must show that each student from the previous year is attending, absent for a specific reason, has transferred, is receiving an approved alternate form of instruction or has dropped out of the school system.
Vermont Education Statute requires each Vermont public school to maintain a Vermont School Register. The purpose of the school register is to record each student’s participation in an approved program of instruction.
Each school must keep an enrollment record of the students who enroll, transfer, withdraw, and drop out of the required program of instruction. Each school must also keep a daily record of attendance, excused absences, and unexcused absences of each enrolled student. Beginning in the 2013-2014 school year the school register must include course offerings along with educators teaching courses.
Collecting and reporting accurate daily register data for enrollment and attendance is important because it affects each school district’s funding.
The Agency of Education (AOE) collects data for critical reporting purposes from the SLDS twice during each school year (Fall and Summer) and will continue to do so using the Vermont's SLDS. Starting school year 2025(fall of 2024), a provided Ed-Fi API will be used to submit data to the state SLDS.
All collection due dates will be announced to all data managers via an email list at least 6 months before the collection window would close.
The first collection, the [DC#06 Fall ADM Official collection] (/Collections/SLDS-Vertical-Reporting/DC6), includes a list of all enrollment instances from the beginning of the school year (July 1) through about November 10.
The DC#06 Fall_ADM Official collection includes information about the school and each student that allows the AOE to calculate the Average Daily Membership (ADM) for all Vermont Districts. The ADM is a critical component in the state funding system. This collection also allows the AOE to create the October 1 count of students used in federal reporting and allocations of state and federal grants.
The second collection of School Register data by the VT SLDS, is the DC#04 Yearend Collection. It is collected at the end of each school year and due sometime over the summer.
With Vertical Reporting in the VT SLDS, the attendance record and updates to enrollment can be reported throughout the year with unofficial data submissions through the SLDS but will be required as part of the official DC#4 Yearend Collection.
The attendance data from the DC#04 Yearend Collection are used for calculating a Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) for each student.
The FTE is used to determine each school district’s tuition rates for students attending from another school district and per pupil spending for annual AOE reports.
In addition, the DC#04 Yearend Collection determines each student’s classification at the end of the year allowing the AOE to calculate attendance rates, retention rates, as well as graduation rates that are part of Vermont’s statewide accountability system.
In addition to the VT SLDS official data reporting, schools must maintain records on courses offered by the school. This course information includes educators providing instructional services, student enrolled in course, and student outcomes including credits earned and marks.
This course information is reported to the AOE at the end of the school year in the DC#4 Yearend Collection. Information received in this collection will be used to develop a state-wide student transcript data repository to facilitate the transfer of student information for students transferring between schools in Vermont. It also serves as the data set used to explore course- taking patterns as an indicator of how well schools are preparing students for post-secondary success, evaluation of equity of access to opportunities, and as well as for examination of student performance.
The school register is a record of the continuous year-to-year cycle: enrolling or re-entering students, recording daily attendance and absences, tracking when students leave a school, reporting dropouts, and year-end attendance to the AOE.
The school register may be used in each classroom or in a designated central location for all classrooms. Enrollment and attendance information must be updated daily, with summaries compiled for each student at the end of the school year. Schools are expected to maintain a
computerized school register, or student information system that must meet the requirements of the school register as specified in this document and data collection reporting instructions.
The concept of continuous enrollment is the basis of the school register. According to this concept, students are enrolled in the school system one time and schools must track their continuous enrollment from one school to another. After the original entry in the school register (usually pre-kindergarten or kindergarten), a student is maintained on that school’s register until they leave that school. Each student must be enrolled on a register on the first day of school whether the student attends that day or not.
Continuous enrollment means that once a child is enrolled in the school, it is the school’s responsibility at the beginning of the year to account for each student who was enrolled on the last day of school the previous year.
Within ten school days from the start of each school year, the register must show that each student from the previous year is attending, absent for a specific reason, has transferred, is receiving an approved alternate form of instruction or has dropped out of the school system.
Similarly, schools are now expected to track the enrollment of students in specific classes, the status, and the outcome of each course. A class is a particular section of a course offered at the school.
Any school within a supervisory union/school district submitting the Fall_ADM_Collection must maintain a Vermont public school register.
The majority of students on a school register are students who attend classes, full time, at that school. Students who attend a different school (public or independent) full time are not included on the register even if the student is a legal resident of the district operating the school, (except in the circumstances described below).
In addition, students who take classes but are not expected to attend all day, every day at the school, are enrolled as part-time students. This includes students who are enrolled in a home study program or an independent school and who also take academic classes at a public school. Students enrolled in a home study program using the school’s facilities for co-curricular or extra-curricular activities are not part-time students. These students are included in the enrollment recorded (and the VT SLDS Fall_ADM_Collection, and YearEndCollection vertical reporting), but they do not contribute to a school’s enrollment and their attendance is not recorded.
There are a few instances where students are on a school register without attending classes at that school. In these cases, the school or program where the students receive their education is required to submit the attendance and absence information to the “base” school. For instance,
technical centers must keep separate registers, but the students are considered enrolled in a separate high school or base school. The attendance of students should either be taken at the base school before transportation to the technical center, or the attendance taken at the technical center should be reported back to the base school. A similar situation exists for students attending Diversified Occupation Programs or temporarily placed in a tutorial or treatment program. The base school refers to the school providing transportation or in the case where no transportation is provided the base school refers to the school operated by the same district as the technical center.
Students enrolled in summer classes only are not included in the register and any summer school attendances are not recorded in the register or reported in the VT SLDS Vertical Reporting.
If you are unsure about whether a particular student should be reported on your register, please contact the AOE helpdesk at AOE - SLDS Support Group
To complete the Official Identification form, please provide the information requested including: the grade levels served, the identity of the registrar, principal(s) and superintendent(s) names and information about the school calendar.
The identification form should be dated and signed by the school registrar and the superintendent.
You can download the Official Identification.docx Official Identification.pdf
You do not need to download or print the whole document, just the form listed above. We encourage you to fill out the form electronically to save paper.
The Public School Register includes a list of fire drills, certified personnel, and students. The Public School Register will serve as the public record for your school and should be presented to the superintendent by the registrar before July 15.
The AOE requires that all schools maintain a computerized enrollment and attendance record. The attendance record does not need to be a part of the archived Public School Register pages.
It is expected that a school will use a separate attendance record for each program type. The school is allowed to set up the Attendance record in a manner that suits its particular needs. The following is a list of allowable grade or program codes (see Glossary for more information)
Code | Grade |
IT | Infant and Toddlers |
EE | Early Essential Education |
PK | Pre-Kindergarten |
KF | Kindergarten-Full-Time |
KP | Kindergarten-Part-Time |
01 | Grade 1 |
02 | Grade 2 |
03 | Grade 3 |
04 | Grade 4 |
05 | Grade 5 |
06 | Grade 6 |
07 | Grade 7 |
08 | Grade 8 |
09 | Grade 9 |
10 | Grade 10 |
11 | Grade 11 |
12 | Grade 12 |
AW | Adult without Diploma |
PD | Postgraduate or Adult with Diploma |
EdFusion Legacy Codeset | Ed-Fi codeValue |
IT | Infant/toddler |
EE | Early Education |
K, KF, KP | Kindergarten |
PK | Preschool/Prekindergarten |
01 | First grade |
02 | Second grade |
03 | Third grade |
04 | Fourth grade |
05 | Sixth grade |
06 | Fifth grade |
07 | Seventh grade |
08 | Eighth grade |
09 | Ninth grade |
10 | Tenth grade |
11 | Eleventh grade |
12 | Twelfth grade |
PD | Postsecondary |
AW | Adult Education |
The purpose of the register is to record each student’s school participation from the date of entry to an official exit from school. This documentation of these changes includes events such as transfer to another school, discontinuing schooling, and receiving high school diplomas.
Schools must record the enrollment and attendance of students who are engaged in educational activities away from the school. These activities may include home or hospital tutoring provided by school personnel, a page participating in the legislature, students participating in off-site flexible pathway (ACT 77) experiences such as dual enrollment or work-based learning, technical center students, or temporary alternate placements.
A student may be entered in more than one school register in a given school year but must only be officially enrolled in one register at a time. For example, students attending two schools part-time or one school full-time and another school part-time can only be officially enrolled in one school. The second school would record the student as receiving services but enrolled in another school (see Section 2.1.1). Both schools should record the attendances and absences used to create the FTE for these students. In addition, the part- time information is used for calculating ADM.
A school must record enrollment and attendance data on a computerized register providing the computer program meets the requirements of the VT SLDS.
High schools are expected to identify students who are attending their school through the Public High School Choice formally known as Act 150 school choice. The sending school will not report students who transferred to another high school through Public High School Choice. Independent schools are not required to participate in Public High School Choice.
Any student absent without an excuse for 10 consecutive school days will be removed from the register on the 10th day and absences will no longer be counted. The school’s truant office will be notified and expected to diligently investigate the whereabouts of the student. The student’s enrollment will have an exit code of “status unknown” until the truancy officer determines otherwise.
When a student enrolls in a school, the school is expected to record the student type to allow for proper calculation of the Average Daily Membership. Section 2.1.1, titled “Admission Status”, provides the complete list of student types. To meet the state and federal requirements for continuous enrollment, a student must be given an enrollment classification at the beginning of each school year and again on the day following the last day of the school year. Sections 2.1. titled “Entry/Reentry Types” is a complete list of the required codes used at the beginning of the year. Sections 2.2 describes exit codes and when and how to use each required code. Information regarding part-time students is found in Section 2.3.
When a student enrolls, a school is expected to record the student’s admission status to allow for proper calculation of the ADM used in state funding and for creating reports on Vermont’s public school students. Students included in the ADM calculation include regular students (01), Public High School Choice students (02), home study students (04 & 05), students receiving services at a school (07), and students enrolled but receiving services elsewhere (08). All others are excluded from the ADM calculation. All students except home study students and students receiving services are counted on a school’s enrollment. Admission Status codes are as follows:
Code | Description |
01 | Regular student : A student who meets all of the regular admission requirements of a school or an educational institution. This includes students tuitioned from other districts. |
02 | Public High School Choice student: A high school student who meets all of the regular admission requirements of a school attending from another Vermont high school through Public High School Choice. |
03 | Exchange student: A student from a country outside of the United States or its outlying areas who is temporarily enrolled in classes or a course of study at a school or educational institution in the United States. |
04 | Home study student taking academic classes: A student who received home instruction and takes academic courses at a school. Academic courses include those courses that regular students receive academic credit for and that take place during normal school hours. Note: these students may or may not participate in extra- or co-curricular activities. |
05 | Home study student participating in extra- or co-curricular activities only: A student who received home instruction and who participates in school sponsored extra- or co-curricular activities. These activities frequently take place outside of normal school hours and often last for only a portion of the school year. The school is not required to track attendance for these students. Do not include students attending an independent school and participating in extra- or co-curricular activities here. |
06 | Guest student: A student attending a school or educational institution on a full-time basis other than the school of his or her regular enrollment without tuition payments. This includes children of teachers who live outside of the school district who attend the school as part of the teacher’s employee benefit plan. |
07 | Student is receiving services at this school and enrolled in a different organization: A student taking courses or receiving other educational services at your school who is officially enrolled in a different school. |
08 | – Student is enrolled in this school but receiving services in a different organization: A student who is enrolled in your school is taking courses or receiving services from some other organization. |
09 | ADP student: Receiving diploma through Adult Diploma Program. |
Please use the residencyStatusDescriptors set in StudentSchoolAssociation to map the legacy codesets:
EdFusion Legacy Code | Ed-Fi codeValue | Description |
01 | Regular student | A student who meets all of the regular admission requirements of a school or an educational institution. This includes only students who are residents of the operating school district, students who are residents of member towns of a union district, and students tuitioned from other districts. |
02 | School Choice Student | A high school student who meets all of the regular admission requirements of a school attending from another Vermont high school with a school choice agreement. |
03 | Exchange student | A student from a country outside of the United States or its outlying areas who is temporarily enrolled in classes or a course of study at a school or educational institution in the United States. These students should have a FUNDSOURCE of 07, 09 or 98, and an ADMTDIST of 906. |
04 | Home-study student taking academic classes | A student who receives home instruction and takes academic courses at a school. Academic courses include those courses that regular students receive academic credit for and that take place during normal school hours. Note: these students may or may not participate in extra- or co-curricular activities. |
05 | Home-study student participating in extra- or co-curricular activities only | A student who receives home instruction and who participates in school sponsored extra- or co-curricular activities. These activities frequently take place outside of normal school hours and often last for only a portion of the school year. The school is not required to track attendance for these students. Do not include students attending an independent school and participating in extra- or co-curricular activities here. |
06 | Guest student | A student attending a school or educational institution on a full-time basis other than the school of his or her regular enrollment without tuition payments. |
07 | Receiving Services But Not Enrolled | Student is receiving services at this school, and enrolled in a different organization. |
08 | Enrolled But Receiving Services Elsewhere | Student is enrolled at this school, but, receiving services in a different organization. |
09 | ADP student | Receiving diploma through Adult Diploma Program. |
The enrollment classification must be indicated for all students on the first day of the school year. Original entry (08, 09, or 10) will be used for students enrolled in the school where they first entered the United States school system (usually as a preschool or kindergarten student). Students who attended another school or who were withdrawn from school the previous year will have an entry code indicating their prior situation. The following is a list of entry/reentry codes to be used at the beginning of the school year or when a student enrolls after the first day of school.
Code | Description |
01 | Transfer from a public school in Vermont, a designated public school, or Rivendell Academy: A student who transfers from a public school that is located in the state of Vermont, including Burr and Burton Academy, Lyndon Institute, St. Johnsbury Academy, and Thetford Academy or Rivendell Academy in Orford, NH. |
02 | Transfer from and independent school in Vermont: A student who transfers from an independent school in Vermont. This does not include students transferring from Burr and Burton Academy, Lyndon Institute, St. Johnsbury Academy, and Thetford Academy. |
03 | Transfer from a school in a different state or from a school outside of the country: A student who transfers from a public or private school that is located in a state outside Vermont, a public or private school that is located outside of the United States, or a United States overseas dependents school. See 09 and 10 for options related to foreign students. |
04 | Transfer from an institution: A student who transfers from an institution with an educational program. This includes mental health institutions, correctional institutions, juvenile service agencies, care shelters, and detention facilities. |
05 | Transfer from home study program: A student who transfers from a period of receiving instruction in a home environment (chosen for reasons other than health). |
06 | Matriculation from another school: A student who enters a school after successful completion and promotion from the highest instructional level of another school to enter the next higher level. |
07 | Re-entry after voluntary or involuntary withdrawal: A student who had previously entered any class in school and then re-enters the same or a different school after he or she has left school for voluntary reasons (e.g., dropping out) or involuntary reasons (e.g., prolonged illness, temporary disability) during a regular school session. |
08 | Original entry into a United States school: A student already residing in the United States enters a school for the first time in the United States or an outlying area. This student is likely to be a preschool or kindergarten student. |
09 | Original entry into a United States school from a foreign county with no interruption in schooling: A student who has recently moved from a foreign country where he or she had been enrolled in school and enters a school in the United States or an outlying area for the first time. |
10 | Original entry into a United States school from a foreign country with an interruption in schooling: A student who has recently moved from a foreign country where he or she has not been enrolled in school and enters a school in the United States or an outlying area for the first time. |
This is captured in Ed-Fi via the entryTypeDescriptors when submitting a StudentSchoolAssociation
We have changed the default Ed-Fi descriptors to align with our state reporting requirements.
Please check the API for values in entryTypeDescriptors.
EdFusion Legacy Codeset | Ed-Fi codeValue |
01 | Transfer from VT Public school |
02 | Transfer from Independent School |
03 | Transfer from Outside State |
04 | Transfer from Institution |
05 | Transfer from Home Study |
06 | Matriculation/Promotion |
08 | New to Any Education System |
07 | Re-entry |
09 | New to U.S. Education System, From Foreign Country Without Interruption in School |
10 | New to U.S. Education System, From Foreign Country With Interruption in School |
The enrollment record must include information about students leaving a school. The following sections describe the circumstances under which students leave school and provide the exit codes for each situation. The enrollment record should include the Exit Code and the last month, day, and year of an individual’s attendance in school; the Vertical Reporting via the VT SLDS will instruct you to exit all students that have matriculated to the next school/grade at the end of the school year to record an exit date of 06/30/XXXX day on which an individual graduated or the date on which it becomes known officially that an individual left school.
A student may be entered in more than one register in a given school or more than one school in a district or the state during a school year but must only be officially enrolled in one school register at a time. Each time a student is moved from one register to another, the first register must show that the student transferred, and the new register must show that the student reentered. The transfer codes indicate that a student has:
Code | Description |
01 | Transfer to a public school in Vermont: A student who transfers to a public school that is located within the state of Vermont or Burr and Burton Academy, Lyndon Institute, St. Johnsbury Academy, and Thetford Academy or Rivendell Academy in Orford, NH. |
02 | Transfer to a Vermont Public school through Public High School Choice: A student who transfers to another Vermont High School through Public High School Choice. |
03 | Transfer to an independent school in Vermont: A student who transfers to an independent school in Vermont. |
04 | Transfer to a school in a different state or to a school in a different country: A student who transfers to a public or private school that is located in a state outside Vermont, a public or private school outside of the United States, or to a United States overseas dependents school. |
05 | Transfer to an institution: A student who transfers to an institution that has an educational program. This includes mental health institutions, correctional institutions, juvenile service agencies, care shelters, and detention facilities. |
06 | Transfer to home study program: A student who transfers to receiving instruction in a home environment (chosen for reasons other than health). |
07 | Matriculation to another school: A student who enters another school after successful completion and promotion form the highest instructional level of the current school to the next higher level. |
This is captured in Ed-Fi via the ExitWithdrawTypeDescriptor when submitting a StudentSchoolAssociation
We have changed the default Ed-Fi descriptors to align with our state reporting requirements.
Please check the API for values in ExitWithdrawTypeDescriptor .
Legacy Codeset | Ed-Fi codeValue |
01 | Transfer To VT Public School |
02 | Transfer To VT School Under School Choice Agreement |
03 | Transfer To VT Independent School |
04 | Transfer To School Outside VT |
05 | Transfer To An Institution |
06 | Transfer to Home Study |
07 | Matriculation/Promotion |
08 | Graduated With Regular Diploma |
09 | Completed School With Other Credentials |
11 | Death |
12 | Illness |
14 | Discontinued Schooling |
15 | Absence/Status Unknown |
16 | Moved And Not Known To Be Continuing School |
18 | Transfer to GED program NOT operated by VT School District |
19 | Transfer to College Program |
A student who leaves school before completing the requirements for graduation and without transferring to another educational program is considered a dropout.
A dropout can also be defined as a student who ceases to attend school and his or her residence and school status is unknown. If a student does not officially leave school by indicating a reason for transferring or dropping out, it is the school’s responsibility to account for the student within 10 days of the student’s first day of absence. The school must determine if the student is absent for a specific reason, has transferred, is receiving an approved alternate form of instruction or has dropped out of the school system. Unless the student is absent and plans to return to school, the appropriate exit code must be entered in the register. If the student’s school status is unknown after the 10-day investigation period, the student must be recorded as a dropout (15) “Absence/Status Unknown”. Students with the following exit codes are counted as dropouts.
Code | Description |
14 | Discontinued Schooling: A student who stops attending school and the student does not intend to complete the requirements for a high school diploma. |
15 | Absence/Status Unknown: A student who has been withdrawn due to 10 consecutive days of unexcused absence, status or location is unknown to the school or school district. |
16 | Moved, not known to be continuing: A student who has moved outside his or her attendance area and is not known to be continuing his or her elementary or secondary education. |
19 | Transfer to College Program: A student who has transferred to a college program resulting in a college degree without receiving a high school diploma. These students will be counted as non-graduates in the cohort graduation rate unless they re-enroll and receive a diploma after completing college coursework. In addition, these students will contribute to the annual event dropout rate. |
EdFusion Legacy Codeset | Ed-Fi codeValue |
14 | Discontinued Schooling |
15 | Absence/Status Unknown |
16 | Moved And Not Known To Be Continuing School |
19 | Transfer to College Program |
A student who has completed their program of study and does not intend to return to high school should be recorded as such. Only students graduating with a regular diploma contribute to a school’s graduation rate. The following exit codes apply to these students.
Code | Description |
08 | Graduated with regular diploma: A student who has received a regular high school diploma upon completion of state and local requirements or a high school diploma from a program other than the regular school program. |
09 | Completed School with Other Credentials: A student who received a certificate of attendance, or other certificate of completion, in lieu of a diploma. |
EdFusion Legacy Codeset | Ed-Fi codeValue |
08 | Graduated With Regular Diploma |
09 | Completed School With Other Credentials |
Students who officially leave school and transfer to another school or equivalent state-approved education program are not dropouts. Students who are temporarily absent due to a suspension or illness, or students who have died are also not considered dropouts. The AOE collect data for the following categories that must be reported.
Note: Federal rules on reporting students as a dropout are provided in Appendix C.
Code | Description |
11 | Death: A student whose membership is terminated because he or she died during or between regular school sessions. |
12 | Illness: A student who left school for an indefinite period because of a physical, school approved illness. |
EdFusion Legacy Codeset | Ed-Fi codeValue |
11 | Death |
12 | Illness |
Part-time students are those students who attend classes at your school without taking a full academic load. These students may or may not be officially enrolled in another school. Include these students on the enrollment record and the attendance record because they may contribute to their resident district’s Average Daily Membership and the school’s Allowable Tuition.
Students who are officially enrolled in another school (admission status 07) will not contribute to the school’s enrollment (i.e., October 1 headcount). Part-time students who are not enrolled elsewhere do contribute to the school’s enrollment.
This is captured in Ed-Fi via the Student, StudentSchoolAssociation, StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations, and StudentProgramAssociation.
Legacy Codeset | Ed-Fi codeValue |
ID/Permnumber | Student.personReference.personId, sourceSystemDescriptor=State |
Name | Student,firstName, middleName, lastSurname |
Date of Birth | Student.birthDate |
Grade | StudentSchoolAssociation.entryGradeLevelDescriptor |
Admission Status | StudentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociations.responsibilityDescriptor and StudentSchoolAssociation.residencyStatusDescriptor |
Gender | Student.sexDescriptor |
Hispanic | studentEducationOrganizationAssociations.hispanicLatinoEthnicity |
Race | studentEducationOrganizationAssociations.oldEthnicityDescriptor |
Section 504 | StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations.disabilityDesignationDescriptors |
Migrant | |
National School Lunch Eligibility | schoolFoodServiceProgram |
ELL (formally LEP) | StudentLanguageInstructionProgramAssociations |
Resident District | StudentSchoolAssociation.residencyStatusDescriptors and Student.addresses |
Funding Source | StudentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociations.responsibilityDescriptor |
Entry Status | StudentSchoolAssociation.entryTypeDescriptor |
Exit Code | StudentSchoolAssociation.exitWithdrawType |
National School Lunch Eligibility is set by association a student with a schoolFoodServiceProgram and setting their participationStatusDescriptors to schoolFoodServiceProgramServiceDescriptors, here is the legacy codeset mapping:
Legacy Codeset | Ed-Fi codeValue |
01 | Free Breakfast Or Lunch |
02 | Reduced-price Breakfast Or Lunch |
09 | Eligible, But Declined Benefit |
96 | Not Eligible |
The attendance record is a daily log of each enrolled student that shows who is present, and who is absent (both excused and unexcused absences). The attendance record is also supporting documentation for the enrollment record.
The record of attendance verifies a student’s continuous enrollment and participation in school. Consequently, it is the school’s responsibility to monitor each student’s attendance by investigating a student’s status within 10 days of the first date of absence.
A student officially enrolled elsewhere but taking courses at this school (e.g., a home study student taking academic classes) will be recorded in attendance on those days the student is expected to attend classes and absent on days that the student is expected but does not appear. Days that a part-time student is not expected in school are not counted as either an attendance or absence.
Do not record attendance for home study students who are not taking academic courses but participate in extra-curricular activities.
Schools are expected to use a computerized system for tracking student attendance. Note that the Attendance record is not to be kept as part of the public record.
In your schools computerized information system provide a complete enrollment record for each student expected to attend school, beginning with the first day of the school year (July 1). Students entering after the first day of school must be added. Begin recording attendance and absences on the first day of classes.
A pupil who begins attending your school after the first day the school is in session should only have attendance and absences recorded beginning with the first day they attended classes.
The school regular term begins on the first day students are expected to attend classes.
The attendance record must support the enrollment record. Each student receiving instructional services in your school should be reflected in both the enrollment and attendance record.
For attendance, each organization must provide the following information.
See the Ed-Fi Student Attendance Domain to submit the attendance in the format the LEA records it in. Please report attendance at the school level.
Here are some of the not obvious mappings between legacy Codeset names and the Ed-Fi Descriptors:
Legacy Codeset | Ed-Fi codeValue |
ATTENTYPEID and DAILY_STATUS | attendanceEventCategoryDescriptors |
DSID_VALUE | studentSchoolAttendanceEvents.eventDuration |
By collecting school course and staff assignment information the VT AOE can determine the types of coursework schools are offering to students, the rigor of courses, the qualifications of educators providing educational services, school adherence to state standards, and other indicators of instructional services offered by schools. Furthermore, by using federally standardize course codes the VT AOE can make comparisons between schools and between states.
For the VT SLDS Course, CourseSection, and StaffSectionAssignment information, each organization must provide the following information.
This data is capture via the Ed-Fi Staff Domain via staffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation
A unique identifier assigned by the school to each of their offered courses in a school year. - SCED Course Code (COURSECODE) – Please provide the federally defined standardized course code provided in the Federal Course Catalog. A codeset value indicating the federal School Codes for the Exchange of Data (SCED) code identifier of a course including subject area. - Local Course Name (COURSENAME) - The school assigned name of the course being taught. - Additional Course category (Addit_COURSECAT) - A codeset value indicating an additional course category that differs from the course category indicated via the primary coursecode. (Note: This field stores multiple selections for this codeset within this field - delimited by "|" (pipes).) - School Year (SY) – The school year for which data is being submitted.
This data is capture via the Ed-Fi Student Academic Record Domain.
Please use the courseIdentificationSystemDescriptor of SCED course code
when setting course.identificationCodes, and set the SCED code for the course there.
This relates to our legacy COURSECODE codeset and should map accordingly.
Course Term (COURSETERM) – A codeset value indicating the term during which the course section was offered. The options include:
FULL – Full Year
INTR – Intersession
Course Rigor Level (COURSELEVEL) – A codeset value indicating the level of rigor at which the course section was offered. The options include:
This data is capture via the Ed-Fi Student Academic Record Domain, the School Calendar Domain, and the Ed-Fi Staff Domain
This data is capture via the Ed-Fi Student Academic Record Domain, the School Calendar Domain, and the Ed-Fi Staff Domain
Here are some of the not obvious mappings between legacy Codeset names and the Ed-Fi Descriptors:
Legacy Codeset | Ed-Fi codeValue |
POSID | staffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation.educationOrganizationReference |
EDUCATORID | staffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation.staffReference |
ROLEID | staffEducationOrganizationAssignmentAssociation.staffClassificationDescriptor |
The student section enrollment and section result formally referred to as transcript information data allows us to associate students with school courses. The association of students with courses allows evaluation of how well schools are preparing Vermont students for college enrollment and the pursuit of a successful career.
For the Student Section Enrollment and Results, each organization must provide the following information for each course a student takes.
This data is capture via the Ed-Fi Student Academic Record Domain
Here are some of the not obvious mappings between legacy Codeset names and the Ed-Fi Descriptors:
Legacy Codeset | Ed-Fi codeValue |
LOCALCOURSEID | courseOfferings.localCourseCode |
COURSEENROLLSTATUS | studentSectionAssociation.attemptStatusDescriptor |
99 Numeric Mark (only) provided for this course
Course Numeric Mark (COURSENUMERICMARK) : Values must indicate course mark on a 100-point (percentage) scale.
This data is capture via the Ed-Fi Student Academic Record Domain
Here are some of the not obvious mappings between legacy Codeset names and the Ed-Fi Descriptors:
Legacy Codeset | Ed-Fi codeValue |
COURSELETTERMARK and COURSENUMERICMARK | courseTranscript.finalLetterGradeEarned and finalNumericGradeEarned |
This part of the school register contains information about this particular school and lists of certain information, students and personnel. Title 16 of the Vermont Statutes has specific requirements for the school register, the Agency of Education, Superintendents and School Registrars. These statutes are reprinted in Appendix B of this document. This chapter of the school register is designed to meet some of these requirements including a specific requirement for recording all certified school personnel and recording fire and emergency preparedness drills.
Please provide the requested information about this school including the grades served, the dates that courses begin and end, school holidays, in-service days, the identity of the superintendent, principal and registrar. The superintendent and registrar should sign this page prior to filing the school register.
Provide the date, hour and time spent vacating the building for each fire and emergency preparedness drill. Every school is required to perform two drills in the first 30 days of classes and then once every month. There is no longer a severe weather exception in the State of Vermont.
Keep a copy of the names of teachers, their type of license and the date the license expires. See valid license types listed on the included List of Teachers form.
Schools are no longer required to file a Daily Record of Attendance with the Register. Instead, an end of year list of students with their grade, district of residence, end of year classification, and attendance is required. This list can be maintained electronically or be an exported report from their local student information system.
We recommend you keep this information electronically and avoid printing it to save paper.
You do not need to download or print the whole document, just the form listed above. We encourage you to fill out the form electronically to save paper and allow easy fixes to mistakes.
If you choose to fill out this section during the school year use pencil and then overwrite with ink before the school register is submitted to the superintendent's office before July 15.
On the form below, please provide the requested information about the register including the grades served, the dates that courses begin and end, school holidays, in-service days, and the identity of the superintendent, principal and registrar.
Download the form Official Identification.docx Official Identification.pdf
Important to notes:
This Interim Agreement will remain in effect while a legislative change is explored to correct the conflict between Titles 16 and 20 VSA.
Download the form (See page 3) Official Identification.docx Official Identification.pdf
Write in the names of teachers, their type of certificate or license and the date the certificate/license expires. This list can be created from the ALiS system or a school may choose to create the list using this page or a printed report from their local educator information system.
Download the form (See Page 4 and 5) Official Identification.docx Official Identification.pdf
Schools are no longer required to file a Daily Record of Attendance with the School Register. Instead, a list of students with their grade, end of year classification, and days of attendance is required. This list can be created from the VT SLDS or a school may choose to create the list using this page or a printed report from their local student information system.
Download the form (See Page 6 and 7) Official Identification.docx Official Identification.pdf
Adult, With Diploma - Students who are older than 19 years of age and who have received a diploma. They have not enrolled in a regularly prescribed program of studies but are taking classes specifically to develop skills and knowledge concerned with upgrading their interests and abilities. They differ from Postgraduate students whose objective is to continue their formal education. These students are now reported in the same grade level category with Postgraduate students.
Adult, Without Diploma - Students who are older than 19 years of age and who HAVE NOT received a diploma. These students are usually in a regularly prescribed program of study and are working toward a high school diploma. This may also include students who have enrolled in the Technical Centers specifically to upgrade their abilities in the area of employment.
Approved Education Program – A program that is evaluated and approved by the state board pursuant to written standards, that is neither an approved independent school nor a public school, and that provides educational services to one or more pupils in collaboration with the pupil’s or pupils’ school district of residence. An “approved education program” includes an “approved teen parent education program.”
Average Daily Membership (ADM) - ADM is the 20-day average of students between the 11th and 30th days of the school year. The ADM is reported by resident district and is used in the calculation of the equalized pupil count for school districts. Resident ADM differs from "enrollment" in that it is based on where students live, while enrollment is a headcount of students enrolled in school as of October 1 and is reported by school or operating school district.
Classification - The classification for a student may change several times during the school year; i.e., transferred to another school (TR), and then re-enters, etc. The final classification of a student at the end of the year (or the end of a student’s enrollment during the year) is used in calculating a school’s graduation and dropout rates.
Co-Teacher of Record - A teacher who shares the responsibility for ensuring the course curriculum meets the standards required for the course.
Course Section - The course section is locally defined and can be any alpha-numeric code up to 20 characters, provided that the section is unique for a group of students in a classroom at a particular time.
Course Status Completed – the student completed all course requirements prior to the end of the school year
Course Status Enrolled – the student was still enrolled in the course at the end of the school year (June 30, 20XX) and has not received a grade yet.
Deceased - Students who die during the school year or during the preceding summer.
Dropout - School Year - Students who left school before graduating, who did not complete an approved program of studies, and who did not transfer to another school or an approved home study program during the period between September and June of this school year. Whenever a pupil is absent from school without permission for more than 10 continuous days and the truant officer, after a diligent search, certifies that the pupil has not enrolled in another prescribed program of study, the pupil shall be removed from the register and classified as a dropout (DR).
Dropout - Summer - Students who left school during the period between July 1st and the first day of the current school year. These are students who finish the previous year's requirements but who do not return to school in the fall and who do not transfer to another school or an approved home study program; i.e., there is no transcript request. If the school is not notified that the student is transferring before the beginning of classes, and the student doesn't attend school in the first 10 days, then he/she is considered a summer dropout and the final "classification" on Page A of the Register of Daily Attendance & Absence would be "SD" (summer dropout). No attendances for this student will be recorded beyond 10 days.
Early Essential Education (EEE) - Center or Home Base
Any eligible children, age three through five, with significant development delays or handicapping conditions enrolled in EEE. Federal, state and local dollars support these special education and related services.
Educational Support Team (EST) - Any student who is receiving services which were discussed and planned at an educational support team meeting, for which written documentation is maintained, whether there is a written plan.
Educator IDs - The unique identifier assigned to the educator by the VT AOE.
English Language Learner (ELL formally LEP) – A student who:
Elementary - A program of public school education adapted to the needs of students in Kindergarten and the first six grades.
Enrollment - An unduplicated head count of students registered in a school or area program as of October 1.
Ethnicity - The distinction between groups of people based on cultural practices, language, cuisine and traditions. At this time, the only ethnicity of concern is “Hispanic or Latino”. A student of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or other Spanish culture of origin is considered “Hispanic or Latino”.
Excused Absences Defined :
An absence is considered excusable when it is the result of:
Expulsion – When a student is not allowed to attend school for more than 10 days as approved by the appropriate school authorities. When a student is expelled, and they do not transfer to another school they continue to be a member of the school and counted as absent during the expulsion period. These absences are considered excused, so the student isn’t counted as a truant.
Funding Source - The person, group, or organizational entity paying for a student's educational expenditures. These expenditures are typically paid by the student's resident district by operating a school or paying tuition. However, a student's expenses may be covered by an alternative agreement between the school board and another party. The school district may assume the responsibility for a non-resident, non-member student or the school district may be given funding to pay for that student's educational expenses.
Gender - The physical and/or social condition of being male or female.
Graded - Students enrolled in the standard grade designations of Kindergarten and grades 1-12.
Graduated - Students who have completed their program of studies and received a high school diploma. Usually such students have completed grade 12, but this may also include students below grade 12 who have completed their program of studies and received a high school diploma. Only students who have completed the state and local requirements for course work and assessment and received a regular high school diploma are considered to have graduated.
PLEASE NOTE: If there are students in the 12th grade who have not met the graduation requirements by June 30th, but who will have completed summer coursework or other requirements after July 1st of this calendar year, their final classification for this school year is “not promoted”. Since they will not graduate until after the beginning of next school year (after July 1st), you will record them on the new school register and track their attendance during the time they are participating in activities to meet the requirements. Students enrolled in summer classes only are not included in the register and any summer school attendances are not recorded in the register or reported in the VT SLDS. On the date they meet all of their graduation requirements, classify them as “graduated”. Count them as graduates only during the school year they meet all state and local requirements for course work and assessment.
High School Completion Program (HSCP) – A program where students follow a "Graduation education plan." The Graduation education plan shall be a written plan leading to a high school diploma for a person who is 16 to 22 years of age and has not received a high school diploma, who may or may not be enrolled in a public or approved independent school.
Hispanic or Latino – see “Ethnicity”.
Home study student - A student who is enrolled in a VT AOE home study program. These students may be taking academic courses and considered part-time students, or they may be taking advantage of extracurricular programs. These students should appear on your enrollment record, but attendance should be recorded only for students taking academic classes.
Homeless - According to McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act, a homeless person is an individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, including children and youth who are:
Kindergarten - An educational program of one year adapted to the needs of pupils who will attend first grade the following year.
Full time - Programs which students attend ALL DAY; EVERY DAY school is in session.
Part time - Programs which students DO NOT ATTEND ALL DAY; EVERY DAY school is in session.
Non-Resident - Any students who do not live within the school district where they are enrolled (see "Resident"). Tuition or an assessment fee is paid on behalf of these students by the town where the students reside, by their parents, or by the students.
Original Entries - Students who were not previously enrolled in another Vermont public school, independent school, or approved home study program, nor in an out-of-state school during this school year. These students are typically Pre-kindergarten, EEE or kindergarten students.
Other Contributing Professional: An educator who participates in providing education services for the course but who doesn’t have direct responsibility for the course curriculum.
Other High School Completer – Students who have received a certificate of completion or attendance in lieu of a high school diploma. Do not include GED recipients.
Postgraduate - Students who have graduated from high school and then re-enrolled in the same or another secondary school for additional high school level courses in order to qualify for post- secondary instruction in continuation of their formal education. These students are now being reported under the same grade level category as Adults with Diploma.
Pre-school/Pre-Kindergarten - A group or class of students that is part of a public school program taught during the year or years preceding Kindergarten and which is under the direction of a professionally qualified teacher. EEE students are NOT included in this category.
Promoted - Students who have successfully completed a grade level and who are advanced to a higher grade level. A student promoted from grade 12 is a high school graduate.
Racial Categories - Racial designations are those used by the Federal Health, Education, and Welfare Department. They do not denote scientific definitions of anthropological origins. For our purposes a student may be included in the group to which he/she appears to belong, identifies with, or is regarded in the community as belonging to. Beginning FY04, students can be identified as belonging to as many racial categories as appropriate.
NOTE: Hispanic or Latino is considered an ethnicity. A Hispanic or Latino student should be considered Hispanic or Latino AND have a separate racial category. Students should be identified as follows:
Resident (as defined in Title 16 V.S.A., Section 1075) -
In the case of a minor:
SCED – School Codes for the Exchange of Data, for the VT SLDS Vertical Reporting of Student Section Assignment and Student Section Results, these are booklets or an electronic file of all possible courses for Elementary and Secondary students.
Secondary - A program of public school education of six years, grades 7-12, adapted to the needs of students who have completed their elementary education.
Section 504 - Any student who is qualified for and receiving service and/or accommodations under a Section 504 plan or the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.
SIS – Student Information System maintained by the local school district.
Standard Based Grading – A system of grading that assesses students based on standardized skills that the student is expected to acquire in the course. This type of grading system is included in the VT SLDS Student Section results, formally known as SECT, data coding in the variable “COURSELETTERMARK”.
State-Placed Students - A Vermont pupil who:
is in either the legal custody of the commissioner for children and families, or the temporary legal custody of an individual pursuant to subdivision 5308(b)(3) or (4) of Title 33, until a disposition order has been entered pursuant to a section 5318 of that title, and is determined by the secretary of education to be in particular need of educational continuity by attending a school in a district other than the pupil’s district of residence; but
does not mean a pupil placed within a correctional facility or in Woodside Juvenile Rehabilitation Center.
Suspension – Students who have been temporarily dismissed from school for up to ten days. These absences are considered excused, so the student isn’t counted as a truant.
Teacher of record - The classroom teacher responsible for course curriculum and meeting the qualification requirements to teach that course as laid out by the Vermont Agency of Education.
Transfers - Students who have been enrolled in one school and who request their transcripts so they may enroll in another public school, an approved independent school either in Vermont or out-of-state, or an approved home study program.
Truancy Rate – For the purposes of reporting, VT AOE uses the federal definition of truancy rate for schools and districts. Truancy rate is calculated by dividing the number of students with 10 or more unexcused absences by the number of students enrolled on October 1.
Truant - A student enrolled in school, regardless of age, is considered truant for each school day the student is absent for the full day without an acceptable excuse. (see excused absences glossary entry) For federal reporting a truant is a student with 10 or more unexcused absences.
Unduplicated Count - Each student is to be included only ONCE under a grade and race category.
The following are excperts from Vermont Statutes, Title 16 and other laws pertaining to the school register.
Definitions. In this section:
Subject to the provisions of subsection (f) of this section, if more than the allowable number of students wish to transfer from a school under this section, then the board of the sending high school district shall devise a nondiscriminatory lottery system for determining which students may transfer; provided, however: A. board shall give preference to the transfer request of a student whose request to transfer from the school was denied in a prior year; and B. a board that has established limits under subsection (b) of this section may choose to waive those limits in any year. e. Application and notification
A high school district shall accept applications for enrollment until March 1 of the school year preceding the school year for which the student is applying.
A student transferring to a different high school under this section shall pay no tuition, fee, or other cost that is not also paid by students residing in the receiving district.
A district of residence shall include within its average daily membership any student who transfers to another high school under this section; a receiving school district shall not include any student who transfers to it under this section.
Nonapplicability of other laws. The provision of subsection 824(b) and (c) (amount of tuition), 825(b) and (c) (maximum tuition rate), and 826(a) (notice of tuition change) and section 836 (tuition overcharge and undercharge) of this chapter shall not apply to enrollment in a high school pursuant to this section.
Waiver. If a high school board determines that participation under this section would adversely affect students in its high school, then it may petition the commissioner for an exemption. The commissioner’s decision shall be final. m.
Definition. "Legal pupil" means an individual who has attained the age of five years on or before January 1 next following the beginning of the school year.
A person having the control of a child between the ages of six and 16 years shall cause the child to attend a public school, an approved or recognized independent school, an approved education program, or a home study program for the full number of days for which that school is held, unless the child:
(a) The superintendent of a public school may excuse, in writing, any student from attending the school for a definite time, but for not more than ten consecutive school days and only for emergencies or absence from town.
(b) The superintendent of an elementary school held for more than 175 days in a school year may excuse, in writing, a student of the school from attending more than 175 days.
When a pupil between the ages of six and 16 years, who is not excused or exempted from school attendance, fails to enter school at the beginning thereof, or being enrolled, fails to attend the same, and when a pupil who has become sixteen years of age becomes enrolled in a public school and fails to attend, the teacher or principal shall forthwith notify the superintendent or school directors, and the truant officer, unless the teacher or principal is satisfied upon information that the pupil is absent on account of sickness. -- Amended 1999, No. 113 (Adj. Sess.), § 4.
Minimum number of days. Except as provided in this section, each public school shall be maintained and operated for:
(a) The principal or person in charge of a public or independent school or educational institution, other than a university or college, shall drill the pupils so that they may be able to leave the school building or perform other procedures described in the school's emergency preparedness plan, or both in the shortest possible time and without panic or confusion.
(b) A drill shall be held at least once in each month during the school year and a record of the date and time of such drill together with the time consumed in completing the procedure, shall be kept in the official school register, and such register shall be open at all times for inspection by representatives from the department of labor and industry or the department of education.
(c) A school district, independent school, or educational institution whose administrative personnel neglect to comply with the provisions of this section shall be fined not more than $500.00. (Amended 1973, No. 214 (Adj. Sess.), § 5; 1991, No. 24, § 11; 2003, No. 16, § 2; 2003, No. 141 (Adj. Sess.), § 1, eff. April 1, 2005.)
PLEASE NOTE: In addition to the state statute regarding fire drills, there is a requirement by the Vermont Fire Prevention and Building Code to hold two fire drills within the first month of school, as stated in 1997 NFPA 101 Life Safety Code, § 11-
One additional fire exit drill shall be required within the first 30 days of operation.
ALSO NOTE: The Vermont Fire Prevention and Building Code, adopted April 15, 1999, deleted the severe weather exception (§ 11- Each school must perform monthly fire exit drills, irrespective of weather conditions, or be subject to fines (up to $1000) for each month without a fire exit drill.
With the approval of the State Board, the Secretary shall prescribe the content of school registers used to keep records of student enrollment and daily attendance and to obtain statistical and other information from teaches and school officers. Schools shall maintain an electronic system for recording enrollment and attendance.
The superintendent shall appoint a registrar for each school within the supervisory union. Pursuant to the school register, the registrar shall maintain the record of student enrollment, daily attendance, and other requested information and shall oversee transmission of student data to the Secretary on or before July 15 annually.
At the end of the school year, the superintendent shall examine the register of each school, verify the accuracy of the information, and notify in writing the chair of the school board and the Secretary that the school register for the year is complete and accurate.
Summary of School Leaver Status:
A Student Who...
Description | Dropout? |
Graduated or received some other recognized credential, such as a certificate of | |
attendance or GED | No |
Only attended summer school in this school district (was not enrolled during the | |
regular school year). | No |
Left school without a diploma or other certification after passing age up to which | |
the district was required to provide free, public education. | Yes |
Died | No |
Gone: status is unknown | Yes |
Moved to another district in this or some other state, not known to be in school | Yes |
Moved out of the United States, Enrollment status not known | No |
Transferred, enrolled in: - Another public school, a private school, or charter school - Home Schooling |
No |
Transferred, enrolled in: - Early College (Baccalaureate or associates degree) without receiving diploma - Adult education program not administered by a regular school district |
Yes |
Is in an institution that is not primarily academic (military, possibly Job Corps, | |
Corrections ETC) that offers a secondary education program | No |
Is in an institution that is not primarily academic (military, possibly Job Corps, | |
Corrections ETC) that does not offer a secondary education program | Yes |
Is not in school, but known to be: - Planning to enroll late (e.g., extended family vacation, seasonal work) - Ill, verified as legitimate - Suffering long term illness and not receiving education services (residential drug treatment, sever physical or mental illness) - Suspended or expelled, term of suspension or expulsion not yet over - Expelled, enrolled in another school and/or district |
No |
Is not in school, but known to be: - Ill, Not verified as Legitimate -Suspended or expelled, term of suspension or expulsion over |
yes |
In a nontraditional education setting, such as hospital/homebound instruction, residential special education, correctional institution, community or technical college where: - Program administered by agency considered a special school district or extension of regular school district - Program is off-campus offering of regular school district |
No |
In a nontraditional education setting, such as hospital/homebound instruction, residential special education, correctional institution, community or technical college where: -Program is not approved or administered by regular district, classified as adult education |
Yes |
*Adapted from Common Core of Data Non-Fiscal Survey instructions. For More information on dropouts see Section 2.2.2