State of Vermont
Agency of Education
Data Collection and Reporting Knowledge Base
Data Collection and Reporting Knowledge Base
These are the columns used in this submission file:
Name | Description | Data Type | Length | is_PK | Codeset | Definition |
ADMINID | SU/SD ID | STRING | 6 | X | Issued by AOE | The VT AOE assigned unique identifier for the Supervisory Union/District that is submitting data. |
ENRORGID | Enrolling Org ID | STRING | 6 | X | Issued by AOE | The VT AOE assigned unique identifier for an organization providing direct instructional or educational services. |
PERMNUMBER | State Assigned Student ID | NUMBER | 10 | X | The VT AOE assigned unique student identifier. This number is distinct for each student over time. | |
ETHNO | Ethnicity | NUMBER | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating whether or not a student traces his or her origin or descent to Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Central or South America, or other Spanish cultures, regardless of race. | |
RACE_AMI | Race-American Indian or Alaskan Native | STRING | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is identified as an American Indian or Alaskan Native. | |
RACE_ASI | Race-Asian | STRING | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is identified as Asian. | |
RACE_AFA | Race-Black or African American | STRING | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is identified as Black or African American. | |
RACE_NAT | Race-Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander | STRING | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is identified as Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. | |
RACE_WHT | Race-White | STRING | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is identified as White. | |
ADMINSTAT | Admission Status | STRING | 2 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating the status assigned to an instance of a student's admission to a school or an educational institution. | |
ENTRYTYPE | Entry/Reentry Type | STRING | 2 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating the circumstances under which a student enters a school for the first time or upon reentry after a withdrawal. | |
ENRBEGDATE | Enrollment Begin Date | DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) | X | The month, day, and year on which an individual enters and begins to receive instructional services in a school or an institution. | ||
ENRENDDATE | Enrollment End Date | DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) | The last month, day, and year of an individual's attendance in school, the day on which an individual was graduated, or the date on which it becomes known officially that an individual left school. | |||
EXITTYPE | Exit/Withdrawal Type | STRING | 2 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating the circumstances under which the student exited from membership in an educational institution. | |
NEWENRORGID | ID of New Place of Enrollment | STRING | 6 | Issued by AOE | The VT AOE assigned unique identifier for an educational organization an exiting student is planning on attending. | |
SS504 | SS504 | STRING | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating whether or not the student receives Section 504 services. | |
EST | EST | STRING | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating whether or not the student is receiving services which were discussed and planned at an educational support team meeting for which written documentation is maintained whether or not there is a written plan. | |
NSLELG | Elig for National School Lunch Prog | STRING | 2 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating a student's eligibility for free or reduced price breakfast or lunch programs. | |
HOMELESS | Student classified as homeless | STRING | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating whether or not a student was classified as homeless at any time during the reported school year. | |
MKSERVICE | Identifies students served by McKinney-Vento | STRING | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating whether a student identified as homeless received services under McKinney-Vento at any time during the school year. | |
UNYOUTH | Homeless Unacc Youth | STRING | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating whether or not a homeless youth was in the physical custody of a parent or guardian. | |
NTRESNO | Homeless Primary Nightime Residence | STRING | 2 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating the category of Primary Night Residence for the student at the time of initial homeless identification. | |
DUAL_ENR | Dual Enrollment | STRING | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating whether or not a student participated in Vermont's Dual Enrollment program at any point in the school year. | |
T1SERVICES | Targeted Services Provided | STRING | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is receiving any Title 1 Targeted Assistance Services. | |
IST1RLA | Title 1 reading/language arts instructional services | STRING | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is receiving Title 1 instructional services in Reading/Language Arts. | |
IST1MATH | Title 1 math instructional services | STRING | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is receiving Title 1 instructional services in Mathematics. | |
IST1SCIENCE | Title 1 science instructional services | STRING | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is receiving Title 1 instructional services in Science. | |
IST1SOCIAL | Title 1 social sciences instructional services | STRING | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is receiving Title 1 instructional services in Social Sciences. | |
IST1VOC | Title 1 vocational/career instructional services | STRING | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is receiving Title 1 instructional services in Vocational/Career. | |
IST1OTHER | Title 1 other instructional services | STRING | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is receiving other types of Title 1 instructional services. | |
SST1HEALTH | Title 1 health, dental and eye care support services | STRING | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is receiving Title 1 support services such as health, dental, and eye care. | |
SST1GUID | Title 1 guidance/advocacy support services | STRING | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is receiving Title 1 supporting guidance / advocacy support services. | |
SST1OTHER | Title 1 other support services | STRING | 1 | Issued by AOE | A codeset value indicating whether or not a student is receiving other types of Title 1 support services. | |
SY | School Year | NUMBER | 4 | X | The school year for which data is being submitted. |