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These are the columns used in this submission file:

Name Description Data Type Length is_PK Codeset Definition
ADMINID SU/SD ID STRING 6 Issued by AOE The VT AOE assigned unique identifier for the Supervisory Union/District that is submitting data.
EmpOrgid Employing Org ID STRING 6 X Issued by AOE The VT AOE assigned unique identifier for the district employing the staffperson.
EDUCATORID State Assigned Staff ID NUMBER 10 X The VT AOE assigned unique staffperson identifier. This number is distinct for each staffperson over time.
EMPBEGDATE Employment begin date DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) X The month, day, and year on which an individual began self-employment or employment with an organization or institution.
EMPENDDATE Employment end date DATE(MM/DD/YYYY) The month, day, and year on which an individual ended self-employment or employment with an organization or institution.
EMPSTATNO Employment status number (code set) NUMBER 3 Issued by AOE A codeset value that represents the employment status of the staffperson as it relates to the employing organization.
SY School Year NUMBER 4 X The school year for which data is being submitted.


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