State of Vermont
Agency of Education
Data Collection and Reporting Knowledge Base
Data Collection and Reporting Knowledge Base
Various questions having to do with reporting students ADM and how this is used in the equalized pupil calculation.
The ADM report available on the EFT, is the raw average daily membership(enrollment) for your various schools/towns. It's on a per student level and represents you're actual enrollment.
The file provided to Business Managers by the AOE Finance Department is the Equalized Pupil count. This takes my raw ADM numbers and weights them based upon various factors.
First thing to check is that your PS_ADM.ADMBEG (ADM Begin Date) is equal to or after the 8_OrgProfile.SYTFRAMEBEG (Org Start Date).
Please check your enrollment PS_Enroll.ENRBEGDATE (Enrollment Begin) and ENDENDDATE (Enrollment End) against your PS_ADM.ADM_BEG data. PS_ADM.ADMBEG date must be equal to or after the PS_Enroll.ENRBEGDATE. If they are enrolled after the ADMBEG date, their record will not be exported for ADM.
The above are important, but there are other reasons students are not included:
The ADM calculation bases part time students using the number of hours the student is expected in school per week as reported in the tuitioned student and fall census collection.
Please note different grades have a different # of hours to be considered full time. For example, PK, KP or KF student is considered full time if they attend 10 or more hours per week. 1st and 2nd graders 20 hours per week and grades 3-12 must have 27.5 hours per week. If you are looking at different grades, this would be the reason.
The ADM end date is calculated based on several variables (including each school’s begin date, holidays, and student enrollment/grade-level begin dates). Thus, the calculation determines the end date for each unique ADM record and there is no need to provide it. The calculation then prorates accordingly to make sure each record is assigned the appropriate value to account for situations like disputed enrollments (until those are worked out between districts through the system), statutorily allowed overlap, and differing school calendars/ADM periods.
A tuitioned student can be defined in two ways:
A student from another town/district enrolling in one of your public schools AND/OR
A tuitioned student from your town/district that is tuitioned to a VT Approved Independent School or Out of State school.
There are several Tuition Student scenarios in VT:
A student tuitioned by the town/SU/SD to a VT Approved Independent School = DC05
A student tuitioned by the town/SU/SD to an out of state school = DC05
A student tuitioned by a parent to attend an independent school = N/A
A student tuitioned from one town to attend a different public school = DC06
Not to be confused with school choice.
Vermont has several towns with school choice based on the student’s town of residence.
If Independent / Out of State School = DC05
If Vermont Public School = DC06
Vermont’s School Choice/formally known as ACT 150 = DC06
A Burlington student goes through the formal school choice process as dictated by the State of Vermont during the proper time frame and is awarded school choice elsewhere for the next school year and years following.
You would exit the student to their new school, then the other school reports them.
A student from elsewhere goes through the formal school choice process as dictated by the State of Vermont during the proper time frame and is awarded school choice to Burlington for the next school year and years following.
Column | Value |
PS_ADM.ADMINSTAT | 02 - School Choice |
PS_ADM.FUNDSOURCE | 02 - Other VT School District |
You would report their actual town of residence.
Part-way through the school year a Burlington student moves to a different town and then is granted permission to stay. Now through the superintendent's office. (I believe this is a guest student.) No money is changing hands.
Student is a Guest Student and Fund Source is Sponsored by Operating School District.
Column | Value |
PS_ADM.ADMINSTAT | 06 - Guest student |
PS_ADM.FUNDSOURCE | 09 - Sponsored by Operating District |
A student lives in Burlington and is granted permission (outside of the school choice time frame) by the superintendent's office to go to another local HS and a MOU is written between the two schools and Burlington is paying money to that other school.
You exit the student to their new school, the other school reports them using Burlington as the Town of Residence.
This student would be reported in your DC#03_NightlyCollection_Unofficial, DC#04_YearEndCollection_Official,as part of DC#06 FALL_ADM_Official, DC#07 and DC#07 Spring_Official04 within your public school ENRORGID.
Please report their proper town of residence and set PS_ADM.ADMINSTAT and PS_ADM.FUNDSOURCE accordingly.
If this student is enrolled in one of your public schools, yes. If they are not enrolled in your public programs and are tuitioned to an approved indepenedent school using public dollars, then they should be reported in DC5.
they do not need to be in these files:
Here's an example:
If a student is enrolled at Winooski High through school choice, then Winooski should be reporting the student as a Burlington resident.
Burlington will receive the ADM, Burlington should not report this student unless they leave Winooski and return to taking classes at Burlington High.
Each Supervisory Union/School District will be responsible for reporting students tuitioned from their towns similarly to the current Tuitioned Student Census collection that most Business Managers, assistants or support staff complete/compile.
The tuitioned census piece of the VTSLDS is comprised of two components (that will be submitted/compiled in three flat files)
1. Aggregate ELL counts
a. Number of ELL students in each town
b. Number of ELL students within these towns that are eligible for 3 squares previously known as food stamps.
2. Students tuitioned to VT Independent Schools or Out of State Schools.
a. Student name
b. Student DOB
c. Student Grade
d. Student town of residence
e. Where the student is attending (address of school if school is out of state)
f. How many days (0-20) the student is tuitioned during the ADM period.
g. Whether a student is full or part time
h. Whether a student is a resident or state placed student.
For any student attending a Vermont Public High School. The Public High School is required to complete the VR SLDS enrollment information for these students, this collection is a list of students enrolled in their school(s) and is similar to the current Public School Census.
For any tuitioned student attending a Vermont Independent School. The Independent School is required to complete the Independent Student Census, this collection is a list of students enrolled in their school on October 1.
State placed means both scenarios in most cases.
We use the definition in Vermont State Statute.
16 V.S.A §11 (28): Definition of State Placed Student
(A) A Vermont pupil who has been placed in a school district other than the district of residence of the pupil’s parent, parents, or guardian or in an approved residential facility by a Vermont state agency, or any other agency as defined by the Secretary, or
(B) A Vermont pupil who:
(i) is 18 years of age or older,
(ii) is living in a community residence as a result of placement by a Vermont state agency, a Vermont licensed child placement agency or a designated community mental health agency, and whose residential costs are paid for in whole or in part by one of these agencies, and
(iii) resides in a school district other than the district of the pupil’s parent or parents, or
(C) A pregnant or postpartum pupil attending school at an approved education program in a residential facility or outside the school district of residence pursuant to subsection 1073(b) of this title.
SU/SDs are able to verify preliminary ADM / Equilized Pupil Calc once your SU/SD has loaded your DC#05 and/or DC#06 submissions error free (with the exception of dataset 5A) you may be do by doing the following: 1. Log into the EFT server: 2. Navigate to your SU's ADM folder: /SLDS VR/SUXXX/From AOE/ADM 3. Select the correct year in the ADM folder. 4. Review the csv files in there to ensure all of your students are counted.
**Filter Criteria, you should be able to select desired year and create.
The export will appear in the export history window below.
draft instructions, formal documentation will be provided when finalized. Please let us know if you have additional questions.
Their ADMINSTAT will be 05 “Home study taking extra- or co-curricular activities only.”
Home study students participating in extra- or co-curricular activities only receive .03 for each activity, such as soccer. They are neither full or part time.
Enter the student in Student Identity, PS_Enroll and PS_ADM. In PS_ADM, enter the town district of residence in HS_ACTIVTDISTID. In HS_ACTIVADM, they get .03 for each activity they participate in .
Example: student participated in basketball during the winter and lacrosse in the spring. They get .03 for each activity, so you would enter .06.
Home study students taking academics are part time students. You need to track the number of hours per week they are receiving instruction at the public school.
They would be full time if they exceed these number of hours:
If a home study student is receiving more than these hours they are not considered to be home study.
16 V.S.A §11 (28): Definition of State Placed Student
(A) A Vermont pupil who has been placed in a school district other than the district of residence of the pupil’s parent, parents, or guardian or in an approved residential facility by a Vermont state agency, or any other agency as defined by the Secretary, or
(B) A Vermont pupil who:
(i) is 18 years of age or older,
(ii) is living in a community residence as a result of placement by a Vermont state agency, a Vermont licensed child placement agency or a designated community mental health agency, and whose residential costs are paid for in whole or in part by one of these agencies, and
(iii) resides in a school district other than the district of the pupil’s parent or parents, or
(C) A pregnant or postpartum pupil attending school at an approved education program in a residential facility or outside the school district of residence pursuant to subsection 1073(b) of this title.
We generally suggest that the school that the PK student is expected to attend kindergarten in report the student, but it is also easier if a student is attending a PK program in another school for that school to report them. As long as the legal town of residence is reported correctly it doesn’t make a difference as the ADM will go to that town. In a situation like that we leave it up to the districts to decide who will report them.
PreK students attending 10 hours per week should receive a total ADM of 1.
You've most likely marked these students ADMINSTAT as 08 - Student is enrolled at this school, but, receiving services in a different organization.
When two schools report students as enrolled (ADMINSTAT 01 or 08) we prorate. As long as both schools report the town of residence correctly the ADM should total to 1.
We ask that the school a pre-k student is expected to attend kindergarten at report the student, but since Whiting is reporting these students as being enrolled with them it would be easiest if you changed your ADMINSTAT for these students to 07 or remove them entirely.
Residence is defined by Vermont Title 16 V.S.A. § 1075.
A students residency remains the same until/unless the family finds housing and establishes residency (such that they are no longer defined as homeless) outside the district. If, however, the family and the school district agree that attendance in a particular district is in the best interests of the student, that district can consider the student a resident of their district and report the ADM.
Here are two possible scenarios where the student is attending School 1 in School District A at the time they become homeless. They then move to School District B which operates School 2. The below scenarios happen outside of the 20-day ADM Window
The student is still a resident of District A. 1. The student will continue to attend School 1. 1. ADM for the student belongs to District A. 1. District B does not pay tuition to District A. Why? Because the student is still a resident of District A even though they are living in District B currently, as the school of origin at the time of homelessness was School 1, operated by District A.
The student’s parents and District B decide it is best for the student to attend School 2. 1. The student enrolls in school 2, operated by District B. 1. ADM still belongs to District A, because this is occurring after the 20-day census period has ended. 1. District A does not pay tuition to District B. That is because the student is now a resident of District B and so attends School 2 at District B’s public expense.
Now we’ll bring the 20-day census window into the scenarios. The 20-day census window runs from roughly mid-September to mid-October.
If homelessness occurs during that 20-day window, it will impact Scenario 2 above, the scenario where the parents and District B agree it is better for the student to attend School 2 in District B.
It does not impact 1 because the parents keep their child at School 1 in District A, their legal residence at the time of homelessness.
If scenario 2 above occurs either before or during the 20-day census window:
The above outlines optimal scenarios and we recognize the real world is messy. Please use the above as a guide and keep the best interests of the student in mind throughout this process.
Only report students enrolled in your school for DC6. If the student is tuitioned to the private school via your district, you would report them on DC5. These data collections are the two that pull students to be included/calculated for ADM.
If the student has an IDEA services plan, and the student is parentally placed and not tuitioned to the private school from the district, then the student would not be reported on the public school census (DC6) or the tuitioned student census (DC5).
If the student has an IDEA services plan, that student would be reported on Child Count.
If it is a Vermont Private/Independent School, the student would also be reported in the Vermont Independent Student Census, which collects a snapshot of all students enrolled in that VT independent/private school on Oct 1 each year.