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Funding Source

A codeset value indicating the person, group, or organizational entity paying for a student's educational expenditures. These expenditures are typically paid by the student's resident district by operating a school, paying tuition, or paying union assessments. However, a student's expenses may be covered by an alternative agreement between the school board and another party. The school district may assume the responsibility for a non-resident, non-member student or the school district may be given funding to pay for that student's educational expenses.


This is set on the StudentEducationOrganizationResponsibilityAssociations.responsibilityDescriptor.

This descriptor set is related to ADMINSTAT, as the responsibilityDescriptor contains both codesets. A student should have two rows, in this resource, one for FUNDSOURCE and one for ADMINSTAT.

Legacy Codeset

These are options for this codeset:

Legacy FundSource Ed-Fi responsibilityDescriptor codeValue
FUNDSOURNCE 01 Fund Source Operating School District
FUNDSOURNCE 02 Fund Source Other VT School District
FUNDSOURNCE 03 Fund Source Non-VT School District
FUNDSOURNCE 04 Fund Source VT State Agency
FUNDSOURNCE 05 Fund Source Agency of Another State
FUNDSOURNCE 06 Fund Source Federal Agency
FUNDSOURNCE 07 Fund Source Private Funding
FUNDSOURNCE 08 Fund Source Employee Benefit
FUNDSOURNCE 09 Fund Source Sponsored by Operating District
FUNDSOURNCE 98 Fund Source Other